Wednesday, October 19, 2011

a voice in the wilderness

The message of God,is a guide that is sure to those who seek His light. But those who reject faith is blind;their hearts are sealed.Woe to the hypocrites,self-deceived and deceiving others,with mockery on their lips and mischief in their hearts.The insincere man who thinks he can get the best of both worlds by compromising with good and evil only increases the disease in his heart,because he is not true to himself. Righteousness comes from a secure faith, from sincere devotion to God and from unselfish service to man,Our duty then is to seek the path of goodness,kindness upright conduct and charity;to grasp at no advantage from a believers need,to stand by the word that is pledged.To bear true witness,and remove all cause of misunderstanding in our dealings  with those of the faith.No good deed is fruitless,to be true in word and deeds is to hold our selfish desires at bay and follow Gods call.The wisdom in this revelation is a guide to the straight path and a warning against the terrible state in which the yokes of sin have enslaved us.No plots against truth or faith will succeed;But those who follow both will be strengthened.Be firm in the fight and God will guide you,Fidelity will cool the mind and feed the heart....."God I don't have great faith,but I can be faithful,my belief in you maybe seasonal,but my faithfulness in you will not.I will follow in your ways;I will act as though my life and the lives of others matter,I will love and live in thy word.I have no greater gift to offer you than my life.It is yours,do what you will"...AMEN !!!!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

religous sects

Over the centuries,Believers has divided into numerous denominations.Each denomination has it's own distinctive beliefs or practices,but they are commonly considered branches of the same religion because they agree on such fundamentals as the bible and the trinity.The way in which members regard other denominations varies from mutual respect and acceptance to suspicion and denial.Religious sects are groups of people with distinctive religious,political or philosophical beliefs.Although, in the past it was mostly used to refer to religious groups,it has since expanded and in modern culture can refer to any organization that breaks away from a larger one to follow a different set of rules and principles.The word sect comes from the Latin noun secta;which means to follow an beaten path,and figuratively a prescribed way,mode or manner,and hence a discipline or school of thought as defined by a set of methods and doctrines.There are several different sociological definitions and descriptions for the term.Church-sects are describe as newly formed groups that formed to protest elements of their parent religion.Their motivation tends to be situated in accusations of apostasy or heresy in the parent denomination;they are often decrying liberal trends in denominational development and advocating a return to the true religion,and assert the claim to be authentic,purged and a refurbished version from the faith from which they split,inspired variously by new interpretations of the bible and the teachings of new prophets and teachers/thinkers.All claiming to be the right way or the only true path to God.How can one determine which one is correct or if ,in fact,correct at all? The method by which the answer can be found is to clear away the superficial differences in the teaching of the various claimants to the ultimate truth and identify the central object of worship to which they call directly or indirectly.What most of them have in common is one basic concept with regards to God.They either claim that all men are gods or that specific men were God.From my reading it is said that I AM GOD and besides ME there is NO OTHER!!!!Gods people die from lack of knowledge,,return unto the LORD that HE may heal you.....