Wednesday, February 28, 2018

THE TWO ACCOUNTS OF CREATION:The PRIESTLY or P source:the earth emerges from the waters.It is saturated with moisture..The J.E. or Jehovah/Elohim source:the world is at first a dry plain.There was no vegetation because because the Lord God has not caused it to rain upon the Earth...P: the birds and beast are created before man..J.E.:man is created before the birds and beast..P:all fowls that fly are made out of the waters...J.E:the fowls of the air are made out of the ground..P:man is created in the image of God..J.E:man is made out of the dust of the ground.It is only after eating the forbidden fruit that God said," behold,the man is become as one of Us." P:man is made lord of the earth..J.E:man is merely placed in the garden to dress it and keep it...P:man and women are created together,as the closing and complete work of the whole creation...J.E:man is created first,then the beast and the birds are,which was named by man.Finally,the women is made out of the rib of the man..[it is interesting to note that the second narrative is about 300 hundred years older than the first].." So important is it to comprehend the work of creation that we see the creed of the church take this as their starting point.Were this article taken away there would be no original sin;the promise of Christ would be void,and all the vital force of our Religion would be destroyed".[ Peter Martyr Vermigli]..Martin Luther inherited the same faith and bequeathed it to his dissident following..Calvin,in his "commentary on Genesis"argues that the Genesis account of creation is literally true,and warns those who dare to believe otherwise,and thus" basely insult the Creator to expect a judge who will annihilate them."So too, the Westminster Confession of faith,in full Protestant force and effect today-especially lays it down as "necessary to salvation"to believe that all things visible and invisible were created not only out of nothing but in exactly 6 days."And churches have murdered countless thousands to impress this beautiful impossible truth.The true church,like all the other churches,still founds it's "Faith and Morals" upon these old Hebrew forgeries,which Christian superstitions utterly depends,still peddles them to it's faithful..FORGERY IN CHRISTIANITY by Joseph Wheless..