Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Of transcendent importance as the sole basis of the Church's most presumptuous false pretense, it's Divine founding by Jesus Christ--- this Peter-Rock imposture, the most notorious, and in it's evil consequences the most far-reaching and fatal of them all, is built upon a forged and forced, Greek pun put into the mouth of the Jewish Aramaic-speaking Jesus, speaking to Aramaic peasants, the Church of Christ is falsely founded.." The proof that Christ constituted St. Peter the head of His Church is founded in the two famous Petrine text,,Matthew,xvi,17-19, and John xxi,15-19"[ CE. xii,261 ]. The text in John is that about " feed my lambs" but this forgery is not of present interest. The more notorious "proof" is Matthew's forged punning passage:" Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church" etc.. It may first be noticed, that "Matthew" is the only one of the " Synoptic" gospelers to record this famous Petrine text" And he records this pun as made in Greek, by Jesus,,, just before his crucifixion. The Greek Father who forged the " Gospel according to John"had to attach the translation into Greek of the Aramaic " Cephas" into "Petros" a stone for the benefit of his Greek speaking readers.. After this first explosion of the famous Greek "rock" pun on which the church is founded, and as the matter is of highest consequences, let us expose the "Matthew" forgery of the whole" Petrine " text by arraying the three Synoptics in sequence in the order of their composition and evolution from simple to complex fabrication:[ Mark,viii,27-38]..[ Luke,ix,18-22],,[ Matthew,xvi,13-22].. First of all, in proof that Jesus Christ never made this pun, did not establish any Christian church,, nor even a Jewish reformed Synagoguel, are his own alleged positive statements to be quoted in refutation of the other forged"missionary" passage in Matthew:" Go ye into all the world, and teach all nations"The avowed mission of Jesus, as we have seen from his reputed words, was exclusively to his fellow Jews:" I am not but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel"; and he expressly commanded his disciples not to preach to the Gentiles, nor even to the near-Jewish Samaritans. He proclaimed the immediate end of the world, and his quick seconded coming to establish the exclusively Jewish Kingdom of Heaven, even before all the Jews of little Palestine could be warned of the event--that"The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." It is impossible, therefore, that Jesus could have so flagrantly contradicted the basic principles of his exclusive mission as the Jewish promised Messiah, and could have commanded the institution of a permanent and perpetual religious organization an " Ecclesia or Church"to preach his exclusively Jewish Messianic doctrines to all nations of the earth, which was to perish within that generation...forgery in christianity by J.Wheless...