Sunday, May 13, 2018

THE BIBLE"PREFACE".. A flood of light on Mosaic authorship of the Book of Genesis, as well as on "divine revelation" of the most wonderful of its record events,breaks in at this vital point. In this light we will read a record which will totally destroy the theory of divine revelation. The Hebrew claim to 'have Abraham as our Father,"or tribal founder. The"history" or account of tribal traditions of the Chosen People as a new or separate-and"peculiar"-ethnic division, first as a nomadic desert Bedouins, later grown into a Hebrew nationality, begins with the"calling" of Abraham and his departure out of Ur of the Chaldees into Canaan, the "land of Promise"This event is related in Genesis 12; from there to the end of the whole Hebrew Scripture is a miraculous"history" of Abraham and his descendants as the Hebrew people. The first eleven chapters of Genesis are not Hebrew history at all;they deal with cosmic and human-race history,of the creation of the world and the process of the gentile races of mankind,centered around an alledged-direct line of personages,non-Hebraic and pre-Hebrew, from Adam,through Noah and his son Shem,to the immediate forbears of the Hebrew Father Abraham,who was born a Chaldean[Gen.i-xi]. All the rest of the record deals with the theocratic history of the Hebrew as'Chosen People' of their god Yahveh,through their whole national life down to Babylonian captivity,the restoration to their native land under Ezra and Nehemiah,by the grace of the Persian conquerors of Babylon,and their subsequent re-establishment of their theocracy.Note now this capital fact: in the whole Scripture record ,from Genesis 12 to the post-exilic Books of the Chronicles,Ezra,etc.there is not a word or mention of one of the transcendent wonders of Genesis i-xi:creation,Father Adam and Mother Eve,Eden,or the serpent,Noah and his flood,the Tower of Babel,not a hint of any of these great events and personages preceeding Abraham's trek into Canaan in the year 1921 B.C. In 586 B.C. Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon,conquered Judea,destroyed Jerusalem,and carried away into captivity the Chosen People.There in the new strange country,"by the rivers of Babylon...we hanged are harps upon the willows in the midst thereof;for there they that carried us away captive required of us a song. How shall we sing Yahveh's song in a strange land?[ Psalm 137:1-4]. This proves,too,that David did not write this Psalm,for it was written after the captivity;and there they dreamed of the Messiah who should arise to "deliver us from the Assyrians."There in Babylon,for 50 years[not 70,as their prophecies say] until Ezra,and for 150 years until Nehemiah,the Chosen People remained among the wonders of the highest civilizations of the East.There they learned the lore and the literature of the Assyrians and the Babylonians cultures;and they no doubt conned with amazement the tablets and books of the great libraries of the land in they dwelt.From these wonderful records of the past they learned the Babylonian Epic of Creation,wherein are recorded the fables of creation,the first parents,the garden,the forbidden trees of knowledge and of life,the serpent,the temptation,the fall of man,the flood and the ark,and of the Tower of Babel,the reputed original of which stood there before their wondering eyes. There they gathered these legends of the ancient past; and there, or after their return from captivity, they wrote, rewrote, or edited their own ancient chronicles and their books of religion lore for use in the restored homeland. The thing speaks for itself:they simply recast the wonders of the Epic of Creation to suit their own notions and so as to make their own Yahveh the great Creator instead of Marduk. And to show that Yahveh's chosen people were of the most ancient and illustrious lineage, they worked in the marvelous direct descent from the first man Adam, through Noah, to Terah, father of Abraham, only twenty generations since "in the beginning" When this product was completed, they tacked it on to their own tribal chronicles as a sort of introduction, and there it stands today- the revised Babylonian Epic of Creation as Genesis 1-11, the preface to the theocratic history of the Hebrews. Later priestly theologians attached the potent name of Moses to the first five books, and the whole gained credit as divinely revealed by Yahveh God to the traditional first historian and law giver, Moses.... J.WHELESS.