Tuesday, May 8, 2018

The " Five Books of Moses": The first and most obvious proof that the so-called 'Five Books' of Moses were not written by Moses, but date from a time many centuries after his reputed life and death, is very simple and indisputable. This proof consists of very numerous instances of what are called post-Mosaics,or"after-Moses" events related in those books under the name Moses as their inspired author; events of which Moses of course could not have known or written,as they occurred long after his death. It may be remarked,parenthetically ,that Moses nowhere claims to have written the Five Books,nor does the Bible elsewhere impute their authorship to Moses. It is only 'THE LAW" which is elsewhere attributed to Moses. Indeed the books are written throughout in the third person-Moses did or said this or that;never in all the relations of the doings and sayings of Moses does" I did" or " I said" once occur,except when Moses is recorded as making a speech. A singular passage in Exodus vi illustrates this point and is striking evidence that Moses could not written the books. In verse 13 it is related: And Yahveh spake unto Moses and unto Aaron, and gave them a charge unto the children of Israel,and unto Pharoah King of Egypt".Immediately, in verse 14 to 27 follows the strange interruption of the narrative by the insertion of a series of family genealogies,beginning" these be the heads of their father houses" with many names including the pedigrees of Moses and Aaron,the marriage of Aaron,and mention the names of his offspring;then this careful explanation: "These are that Aaron and Moses,to whom Yahveh said, Bring out the children of Israel from Egypt. These are they which spake to Pharoah King of Egypt, to bring out the children of Israel from Egypt: these are the Moses and Aaron'[ vv.26-27] Moses could never have written in this form and manner among his contemporaries who knew him and,all about the "bring out of Egypt" a thousand years afterwards the thing was written, and the sacred scribe took pains,thrice reiterated, to identify the Aaron and Moses mentioned in the genealogies with the traditional Moses and Aaron of the Exodus. It is recognized by scholars that all these elaborate genealogies inserted in the five books are post-exilic compositions. Their exact duplicates are found in the post-exilic books of Chronicles,and some in Ezra. This too is the origin of the use" Adam" as a proper name instead of the common noun that it is.... Is it God words???J.Wheless...