Friday, March 23, 2018

" Forged Epistles": There are 21 so-called Epistles or Letters found in the New Testament under the names of five different "apostles" of Jesus Christ. There are says CE."thirteen Epistles of St. Paul, and perhaps fourteen, if, with the Council of Trent, we consider him to be the author of the Epistle to the Hebrews"[CE.xiv,530] If Paul, the "apostle of the Gentiles"did'nt write the Letter to the Hebrews, some Church Father must have forged it in his name. This was admitted by the early Fathers: " Tertullian ascribed it to Barnabas, and Origen confessed that the author was unknown"[ Reinach, Orpheus,p.596] "The Epistle to the Hebrews"says EB. "had already been excluded from the group[ of then supposed Pauline Epistle] by Carlstadt[1520] and among those who followed him in this were Luther, Calvin, Grotious,etc.[EB. iii,3605] but the entire "Pauline group" is in the same forged class with the Hebrews, says EB, after exhaustive consideration of the proofs internal and external: "with respect to the canonical Pauline Epistles, there are none of them by Paul; neither fourteen, nor thirteen, nor nine or eight, nor yet even the four so long 'universally' regarded as unassailable. They are all without distinction pseudographia[ false writing,forgeries];[ it adds that the group bears obvious marks of a certain unity of having originated in one circle, at one time, in one environment; but not of unity of authorship"[EB.iii,3625,3626]. They are thus all uninspired anonymous forgeries for Christ's sweet sake! Besides the so-called Pauline Epistles another group, i.e. those attributed to Peter, John, Jude and James is known as "Catholic Epistles" so called because their addressed to the Church  at large;" not one of them are authentic."[ Reinach, Orpheus,p.239;cf.EB, under various titles] A third small group, Titus, 2 Timothy, are called "Pastoral Epistles" because they are addressed to pastors of churches. These with Acts and the Book of Revelations, complete the tale of the Old-Christian Literature finally approved, in 1546, by the Council of Trent as divinely inspired, along with the inspired nonsense of Tobias, Judith, Bel and the Dragon, and like late Hebrew pious forgeries. With respect to the Apocalypes Revelation, attributed to the Apostle John, this has long been held to be impossible; nor is the revelation by the same writer as the fourth Gospel falsely attribute to John, as we have seen. The results of ancient patristic denials and of modern critical Scholarship are thus summed up:" John is not the author of the Fourth Gospel; so, in like manner, in the Apocalypes we have here and there a passage that may be traced to him, but the book as a whole is not from his pen. Gospels, Epistles, and Apocalypes all come from the same school."[ EB. i,199] The author of Revelation calls himself John the Apostle. As he was not John the Apostle who died perhaps in Palestine about 66 A.D. " he was a forger"[ Orpheus p.240]. The same can truly be said of all the others. They are self-evidently the product of an elaborately organized church, just as they are more elaborately laid out and their several jurisdictions and functions defined in the admittedly forged Apostolic Constitutions and Canons, forged in the names of the Apostles in the following centuries. Nothing from ancient times can be or is more positively proven false and forged than every book and text of the New Testament, attributed to apostles..Forgery in Christianity...J.Wheless..

Chapter IV.. Doctrine And Discipline: When Linacer, a distinguished physician, but bigoted Romanist, in the reign of Henry VIII first fell in with the New Testament, after reading it for a while, he tossed it from him with impatience and  a great oath, exclaiming," Either this book is not true, or we are not Christians." He saw at once that the system of Rome and the system of the New Testament were directly opposed to one another; and no one who impartially compares the two systems can come to any other conclusion. In passing from the Bible to Breviary, it is like passing from light to darkness. While the one breaths glory to God in the Highest, peace on earth, and good will to men, the other inculcates all that is dishonouring the Most High, and ruinous to moral and spiritual welfare of mankind. How came it that such pernicious Doctrine and practices were embraced by the Papacy? Was the Bible so obscured or ambiguous that men naturally fell into the mistake of supposing that it required them to believe and practice the very opposite of what it did? No; the doctrine and discipline of the Papacy were never derived from the Bible. The fact that wherever it has the power, it lays the reading of the Bible under its ban, and either consigns that choicest gift of Heavenly love to the flames, or shuts it up under lock and key, proves this in itself. But it can be still more conclusively established. A glance at the main pillars of the Papal system will sufficiently prove that its doctrine and discipline, in all essential respects, have been derived from Babylon... THE TWO BABYLONS..BY Alexander Hislop...