Wednesday, May 23, 2018

" ADAM" MEANS ONLY " MAN"....The word "adam" as the proper name of a man is a deception of the theologian translators of Genesis. The original Hebrew text says, not "adam" as a proper name, but " ha-adam"the man, a common noun. We will notice some instances of this..In Genesis[ 1:26] occurs the first mention of man, the first use of Adam:" and Elohim[ gods] said, Let us make man[ Adam] in our image, and Elohim created ha-adam[ the man] in his image[ 1:27] male and female both together. In chapter 2:it is said in the translation that Yahveh formed the beasts of the field out of the ground[ Adamah ]" and brought them unto Adam"[ 2:19], and Adam gave names,,but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him[2:20]. But the Hebrew text mentions no "Adam"; it simply reads that Yahveh brought the animals "unto"ha-adam"[the man], and ha-adam[the man] gave names,etc. In Genesis [2:7] "Yahveh formed ha-adam out of the dust of ha-adamah[the ground]. And so throughout the Hebrew Bible "man" is "adam"[ not Adam], and ground is "adamah". Man is called in Hebrew "adam", because he was formed out of the"adamah" ground. It may be instanced that the prophet Ezekiel many times represent Yahveh as addressing him as "ben-adam"[son of man],,the identical term Jesus so often uses of himself long after. As the whole of the "sacred science of Christianity" is built and dependent upon the factual existence of a "first man" named Adam, the now attenuated ghost of this mythical Adam must be laid beyond the peradventure of resurrection. The texts of the Hebrew book will themselves effectively lay the ghost. In Hebrew adam is a common noun, used to signify man or mankind in a generic sense; the noun for an individual man is "ish"and so the sacred texts makes manifest." Elohim said:"Let us make adam"[1:26], and " Elohim created ha-adam, male and female[1:27]. In chapter 2:"and there was not adam to till the adamah"[2:5];" and Yahveh-Elohim formed ha-adam[the man] and ha-adam became a living soul[2:3], and Yahveh-Elohim placed in the garden"ha-adam" whom he had formed"[2:8] and Yahveh-Elohim took ha-adam[2:15], and commanded ha-adam[2:16];and said" it is not good for ha-adam to be alone"[2:18]; and made animals and brought them to ha-adam, and whatsoever ha-adam should call them"[2:19]; and ha-adam called names; but for ha-adam he did not find a help meet"[2:20]; and Yahveh-Elohim caused a deep sleep to come upon ha-adam[2:21], and from his rib made women, and he brought her unto ha-adam[2:22] and ha-adam said and called her women[ heb,ish] was she taken[2:23]"therefore shall a man[ish] leave his father and cleave unto his issahah[2:24] and they were both naked,ha-adam and his issahah[2:25]. Chapter 3:"and Yahveh-Elohim called unto ha-adam[3:9];and ha-adam said, ha-isshah whom thou gavest me[ 3:12];and Yahveh-Elohim said to ha-isshah, the longing shall be thy ish[ 1:26-5:3-5]. In these latter version adam is used indifferently without the artical, and the translators wrote it Adam as a proper name, but all the previous and subsequent usage shows it is the same common noun for mankind[ 6:1,6:7,9]. All  through the Hebrew Bible adam,ha-adam, is for generic man;[ish] for individual man; Adam is never a proper name, except in post-exilic genealogies of Chronicles....J.WHELESS...