Thursday, April 19, 2018

The Deadly Sanctions of Religion: The priests should not alone bear the infamy of these laws of persecution and death, instigated by them. To the Devil his due! The "Holy Ghost" itself, it is claimed by the Bible and the Church, inspired and decreed by positive command all the bloody murders and tortures by the priests from Moses to the last one committed; and the spirit of them lives and is but hibernating to-day. The Holy God of Israel, whose name is merciful, thus decreed on Sinai:" He that sacrificeth to any gods[ Elohim],save unto Yahweh only, he shall be utterly destroyed"[ Ex.22:20]. And hear this, which the ancient priests attributed to their God: If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thy own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Lets us go serve other gods, and...Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor harken unto him, neither shall thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare him, neither shalt thou conceal him: But thou shalt surely kill him, thine hand shalt be the first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people. And thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die"[ Deut. 13:6-10]. And the tergiversant  slaughter-breathing persecutor for pay of the early Christians,now turned for profit their chief apostle of persecution, pronounces time and again the anathema of the new dispensation against all dissenters from his superstitious, tortuous doctrines and dogmas, all such "whom I have delivered unto Satan"[ 1 Tim.1-20] as he writes to advise hid adjutant Timothy. He flings at the scoffing Hebrews this question" He that despised Moses, law died without mercy... Of how much sorer punishment suppose ye shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God?[ Heb. 10:28-29]. All such "are set fourth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire."[ Jude 7];" that they might all be damned who believe not the truth"[ 2 Thess.2:12]; and even"he that doubteth is damned"[ Rom.14:23]. This Paul, who with such bigoted presumption"deals damnation around the land on all he deems the foe"of his dogmas, is first seen"consenting to the death"of the first martyr Stephen[ Acts.8:1];then he blusters through the country"breathing out threatening and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord"[ Acts.9:1], the new converts to the new faith. Then,when he suddenly professed miraculous"conversion"himself, his old master turned on him and sought to kill, and he fled to these same disciples for safety, to their great alarm[ Acts.9:23-26],and straightway began to bully and threaten all who would not now believehis new preachment. To Elymas,who"withstood them"the doughty new dogmatist"set his eyes on him,"and thus blasted him with inflated vituperation:" O full of all subtilty  and all mischief, thou child of the devil,thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord"?[ Acts 13:8-10]. Even the "meek and loving Jesus"is quoted as giving the fateful admonition:"fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell"[ Matt. 10:28]--hear first invented and threatened by Jesus the Christ himself, for added terror unto belief. Paul climaxes the terror," It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God"[ Heb.10:31]. Thus"breathing out threatening and slaughter"against all who would not believe their gospel of miracles and damnation, the founders of the new faith forged and fastened the fetters of the new superstition upon the already superstitious pagans about them, and gradually throughout the Roman world. By fear of hell, pagan individuals, and in later times, by the choice proffered by"Christian"conquerors between the Cross and the sword,whole pagan people fell under the domination of the new militant faith. Whole tribes and nations were given the choice between Christianity and death; early history abounds in instances. The Hungarians adopted Christianity as the alternative to extermination in A.D. 1000;also the pagan Wends when conquered in 1144, and most of the pagan Teutonic tribes. Charlemagne required every male subject of the Holy Roman Empire above the age twelve to renew his oath of allegiance and swear to not only be good subjects but also good Christians. To refuse baptism and to retract after baptism were crimes punishable with death. It was indeed fearful danger and death by torture, rack, and fire to show the faintest symptoms of doubt in the faith of the Holy Church...IS IT GODS WORDS?..J.Wheless...

Sunday, April 8, 2018

The rich pray for pounds, and the poor pray for pence, beseehing the Lord upon the universal prayer-theme of "Gimme."The utter futility of prayer in objective sense for the obtaining of the subject-matter of the supplication, even of the ' Give us this day our daily bread,' which many do get and many others miserably go without, is confessed by CE., which frankly attributes all these thing to the operation of the Law of Chance:" The apparent success which so often attends superstition can mostly be accounted for by natural causes, although[ it piously adds] it would be rash to deny all supernatural intervention[e.g. in phenomena of Spiritualism.] When the object is to ascertain, or to effect in a general way, one of two possible events, the law of probabilities give an equal chance to success and failure; and success does more to support than failure would do to destroy superstition, for,on its side, there are arrayed the religious instinct, sympathy and apathy, confidence and distrust, encouragement and discouragement, and , perhaps strongest of all, the healing power of nature."[ CE.xiv,341] There, in a nutshell, is the profound psychology of the priest-instilled "religious instinct", and of the hit-or-miss" efficacy of prayer"for the conjoling of " heavenly gifts"of earthly benefits and of the eversion of the heaven-sent or devil-inflicted evils whereof suffering humanity is the sport and prey, to the utter indifference of their Celestial Pater! If the thing prayed for cometh to pass," the gods have, God has, answered our prayers; blessed be their, His, name! and the fortunate results are noised abroad. If by equal chance the prayed-for benefit is unattained, then" God knows better than we what is best for us, and the less said about the failure the better for childlike faith. When exposed to danger or death,if we escape it is ' the wonderful Providence of God", nothing being thought or said about those so curiously designated " Acts of God"which permitted or influenced the disaster; whereas, if we die or continue in suffering, then,"God's ways are not our way', the ways of God are beyond our finite understanding," et cetera of pious apologies for the silence and failure of God to help his suffering and neglected children. The fatal work of the church and priest through the Christian Era has wrought ignorance, superstition and vice: it has been and remain a supreme failure. Faith is become obsolete before fact. Christianity is proved to be a fraudulent BANKRUPT;this is its final adjudication before the bar of civilization. The Christian religion shown to be a congeries of revamped Pagan Superstitions and of Priestly lies, is not respectable for belief: every honest and self-respecting mind must repudiate it in disgust. Faith-fondly called the most precious heritage of the race, is not a thing wherefore to be proud of, it is not intelligent or of Reason. Not a flicker of intelligence is required to believe: millions of the most illiterate and ignorant of earths teeming population are the firmest in their "faith"in every form of religious superstition known to the priest of the world, the most devout believers of this or that imposture,"most assured of what of what they are most ignorant' withal. Indeed, as aptly quoted:"Unbelief is no crime that Ignorance was ever capable of being guilty of".....J.Wheless;;;;;; WE CAN ALL"DO GOOD,FOR GOOD IS GOOD TO DO!!!

Unborn Babes To Burn Forever: The damnable doctrine of Infant Damnation was one of the most terrifying and effective impostures of the Church to drive helpless victims into the fold of Christ. Infamous enough was the earlier doctrine of exclusive salvation, that the unbaptized adult, the individual outside the church was the heir to eternal damnation. But soon the terror was extended to the just-born infant, to even the fetus in its womb. St. Augustine affirmed this atrocity with all his vehemence; all the Fathers without exception dinned it eternally, as yet today. A treatise of the greatest authority, De Fide, long attributed to Augustine, but now known to be the work of Bishop St. Fulgentius[,317.] thus states the horrid doctrine:" Be assured, and doubt not, that not only men who have attained the use of their reason, but also little children who have begun to live in their mother's womb and have there died, or who, having been just born ,have passed away from the world without the sacrement of holy baptism, administered in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, must be punished by the eternal torture of undying fire; for although they have committed no sin by their own will, they have nevertheless drawn with them the condemnation of original sin, by their carnal conception and nativity."[sec.70.] Lecky who quotes the passage, thus comment the effects as witnessed in practise throughout the Middle Ages: Nothing indeed can be more curious, nothing more deeply pathetic, than the record of the many ways by which the terror-strickened mothers attempted to evade the awful sentence of their church. Sometimes the baptismal water was sprinked upon the womb; the still-born child was baptized, in hope that the Almighty would antedate the ceremony; sometimes the mother invoked the Holy Spirit to purify by His immediate power the infant that was to be born; sometimes she recieved the Host or obtained absolution, and applied them to the benefit of her child. For the doctrine of the church had wrung the mother's heart with an agony that was too poignant for even that submissive age to bear.'[ Rationalism in Europe,i,362-364] And all this on account of an apple eaten four thousand years before they were born; willed by the Deity who had foreordained their birth and premature death,before His Holy Church could come for the Baptismal fees!..J.Wheless...

Thursday, April 5, 2018

PRIESTLY TERRORISM GOD-ORDAINED MURDER for Unbelief: The Jewish forgers of the near-sacred Books of Enoch,Esdras,etc. had pilfered from the sacred books and system of Zoroaster of Persia, their superstitions of angels and devils and hell-fire, and had invented the infernal doctrine of Original Sin and eternal damnation therefore, all which counterfeit passed to and became current among the religious zealots of the debased Judaism then in vogue. Attributing their "revelations" or invention to Jesus Christ himself, the second-century forging Fathers of the New Faith bodily plagiarized these ready-made Pagan-Jewish superstitions, and by the potent " Sign of the Cross" metamorphosed them to holy"revelations" and inspired truths, the which to doubt was to be damned. The fanatic Hebrew religion and its derivative Christianity are the only religions ever known on earth based on and maintained by systematic persecution and murder. God-given laws of murder for disbelief were decreed at Sinai. A holy monopoly of priest was founded, and the divine ukase ordained:"They shall keep their priesthood,and the stranger that cometh nigh shall be put to death[Num.iii,10.] Murder was God-decreed:" The man that will do presumptuously and will not hearken unto the priests, even that man shall die"[Deut.xvii,12.] Again the Jealous God decrees:" He that sacrificeth to any other god[thus admitting the other gods] save unto Yahweh alone, he shall be utterly destroyed."[Ex.xxii,20,Deut.xvii,2-5.] The one plus ultra of inspired atrocity of Divine legislation is this infamy devised by priests and attributed to their mythic God:" If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or the daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thy own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, let us go serve other[more civilized] gods, Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shalt thine eyes pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him: But thou shalt surely kill him: thine hand shall be the first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people. And thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die"![Deut.xiii,6,8-10;xvii,2-7.] Old Elijah murdered with his god's help, two, companies of soldiers and their captains by calling down fire from heaven, and 450 priest of Baal and 400 priests of the phallic Asherahs, to prove by these 850 murders," If I be a man of the god's."[2 Kings,i,12.] His old side partner Elisha stood by and watched God-send a bear which he had invoked, tear and eat forty small children who ill-manneredly thumbed their noses at his bald pate; and thought the blessed Old Testament of God some hundreds of thousands of people were murdered by God outright and by his holy priestly agents,simply for differences of opinion or of conduct with respect or disrespect to the holy Hebrew God and religion. The Son of the Hebrew God came in course of time to Jewry ostensibly to make amends for some of his Father's damning vengeances. He came to"fulfill the law"; not only that, he overdid it and added to its sundry fiery climaxes of cursing and damnation,religious bigotry and intolerance unique to the" gospel of love" and redemptive salvation. For sanctions ad terrorem of the new preachments of CHRIST who"came to bring not peace but the sword,"Jesus himself kindled the fires of Hell and decreed eternal damnation for unbelief:"He that believeth not shall be damned,Depart from me,ye cursed,unto everlasting fire;Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish,He that believeth not the Son, the wrath of God abideth on him"! These genial persuasions to belief in the priests were added to by Paul the Persecutor; harking back to his god's law of Sinai:" he that despised Moses law died without mercy;. Of how much sorer punishment, shall he be thought worthy who hath trodden under foot the Son of God? the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, and shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the Holy angels and of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment aseendeth forever and ever; and they shall have no rest,from the fierceness of the wrath of Almighty God"! All this is for the happy Hereafter; but the pious deviltry begins by Hell-on-earth, as the gentle Jesus himself prescribed:" those mine enemies, which would not that I reign over them bring hither, and slay them before me"[ Luke, xix,27] The whole body of Apostles appealed for Divine permit, that "we command fire to come down from heaven and consume them[ Luke,ix,54] who sought to imitate their pious devil-enchantments. Peter Prince of the Apostles, takes up the bloody cue: Every soul which will not hear that prophet shall be destroyed"[ Acts,iii,23]; and bigot Paul enjoins persecution, boycott and murder for the dissentient:"for there are many unruly and vain talkers whose mouths must be stopped"[ Titus,i,10,11] and "he that troubleth you, I wish they were cut off"[ Gal.v,10,12] The church Prosecutrix  is thus amply warranted of its holy task of preserving the purity of the faith by fire and sword. Right quickly it began to deal damnation round the land on all they deemed the foe of the Faith and its priests. The rule of death to heretics was proclaimed by the "Prince" and executed by sword and stake by his holy"Successors" so long as they were let: there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in heresies, and bring upon themselves swift destruction"[ 2Peter,ii,1] and his arch-coadjutor Paul continued to go up and down the land"breathing out threatening and slaughter" against all who despised his holy preachments. Such as this, repeated ad infinitum for terror, coupled with the threats of the quick" Second Coming" when the Unbelievers should recieve  their reward"unto the resurrection of damnation"[ John,v,29] effectively seared the Gospel of fear and trembling into the superstitious Pagan dupes of Christianity...FORGERY IN CHRISTIANITY. by J.Wheless..

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

For more than a thousand years, until their fraud was exposed by modern historical criticism, these voluminous and most commodious forgeries formed the groundwork and foundation of some of the most extravagant pretensions of the church and its most potent instrument of establishment and dominion of its monarchical government the Apostolic Constitution, which we have admitted for naivete of invention with respect to the Apostolic Prince Peter and Simon Magnus in their magic contests in Rome, is in fact " a fourth century pseudo-Apostolic collection."It purports to be the work of the Apostles, whose instructions, whether given by them individually or as a body, are supposed to be gathered and handed down by the pretended compiler.[Pope] St. Clement of Rome, the authority of whose name give fictitious weight to more than one such piece of early Christian literature. The Apostolic Constitution was held generally in high esteem and served as the basis for much ecclesiastical legislation. As late as 1563, despite the glaring archaisms and incongruities of the collection it was contended that it was the genuine work of the Apostle, could yet pretend, in an uncritical age to Apostolic origin.[CE,i,636] The Constitution pretending to be written by the Apostles, laid down in minute detail all the intricacies of organization of several centuries later; there being elaborate chapters " concerning bishops, presbyters, deacons, and all kinds of clergy, liturgies, and church proceedings and services, undreamed of by "apostles" or in the "apostolic age" The prescriptions regarding the selection of bishops are quite democratic, and vastly different from present papal practices; the churches, too, are distinctly episcopal and independent. The nature of these provisions, as well as the grossly false and fraudulent character of the whole, a vast arsenal of papal aggression, may be seen by the following passages in the apostolic first person:"Wherefore we, the twelve apostles of the Lord, who are now together, give you in charge those divine constitutions concerning every ecclesiastical form, there being present with us Paul, the chosen vessel, our fellow apostles and James the bishop, and the rest of the presbyters, and the seven deacons. In the first place, therefore, I Peter say, that a bishop to be ordained is to be, as we have already, all of us, appointed, chosen by the whole people, who when he is named and approved, let the people assemble, with the presbyters and bishops that are present, on the Lord's Day, and let them give their consent, and if they give their consent,etc[ Apost.Const.viii,2,iv;ANF.vii,481-482.]: more forgeries;; the holy Conspiration, Pope Sylvester forgery, the donation of Constantine, Symmachian, Decretals, Decretum of Gratian, the EMS revolt, the Saints, Martyrs, Miracles, Specula Sturtorum, Relics, the invention of the Cross, the holy oils, waters, and fetishes, the Agnus DEI, the Mystical Marriage, the apostolic canons, Liber Pontificalis, the conversion of Constantine, the Letter of St.Peter...forgery in christianity by J.Wheless..