Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The Sacred Doctrine of Christianity:The creeds,says a poet,are in number some seventy-three Christian sects or denominations,each founded upon chosen texts,there are in fact a much greater number,some hundreds,each quite out of harmony with all the others. Each by its sectarian votaries is fondly held to be the sole inheritor of saving truth,and can point with pride to the inerrant texts where the legacy of truth is made to it alone. But every other sect disputes this reading,and with equal assurance and no less pride can point to yet other texts of the true Testament which nullify the pretensions of all the others and leaves itself the sole and universal heir to saving truth. For are not the Christian sects, seventy-three though be their conflicting creeds,one and all of them founded upon the"impregnable rock of the Holy Scripture."As Mr. Gladstone termed it,and the belief that this book is divinely inspired in its every word;that it is the "living Word of God,"the faithful revelation of his divine will to man? Outside the sacred tome itself, no higher authority can be invoked for the inerrant truth of Holy Writ and the utter unity of that truth than the recent(AD 1870) spirit-illumined declaration of the sacred Vatican Council:"These books are sacred and canonical because they contain revelation without error,and because,written by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost,they have God for their author."Yet we have in the foregoing pages seen great parts of this God-written book sadly lacking in inspiration and truth;and to explain or attenuate this,one might suspect that such parts of it may be excepted from the general rule of inspiration and inerrancy. But in this they err,to believe,the Holy Ghost speaking lately through Pope Leo 13:in his encyclical Provid.Deus, where this error is roundly refuted:"it will never be lawful to restrict inspiration merely to certain parts of the Holy Scripture,or to grant the sacred writers could have made a mistake. They render in exact language,with infallible truth,all that God commanded and nothing else;without that,God would not be the author of the Scripture in its entirety."...Is it Gods word?...

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