Tuesday, August 7, 2018

In preparation for their hasty flight from Egypt we have an illustration of Hebrew ethics on a racial scale by their own confession. They tell unblushingly of how they "spoiled the Egyptians"- in plain speech, they stole from them" jewels of gold and jewels of silver and fine raiment"Worse than all this-such wholesale thievery was at the command and under the immediate direction of the deity that they worshipped! Anyhow,they say that the Egyptians pursued them,not to recover the stolen property as one might suppose that they would,but to bring back the Israelites. But that is not all of this incredible narrative;for,as they tell it, the Red Sea in a most accommodating manner facilitated the escape of the thieves by opening up all the way across and allowing them to pass dryshod to the other side, then swallowing up Pharoah and his army..... A myth once canonized is a difficult thing to get rid of,for it takes moral courage to reject such chaff...

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