Tuesday, February 27, 2018

It is the ghostly doctors[ priest] themselves, however who by their quackeries have created the fiction of the disease,and who purposely keep the patient[church goer]opiated and on the crutches of faith,in order to make their calling and election sure,and to perpetuate their thralling dominion over the minds and money of men.Like a warden with a flaming sword has been posted to guard the church:sword, rack,and stake,civil and political outlawry,social and business ostracism and lost of living,odious odium theologicum and foul calumny,have ever since been,so far as possible yet are the consecrated weapons of priestcraft to keep mankind ignorant and obedient to the priest."No beast in nature is so implacable as an offended saint". is axiomatic of those who prate of loving their enemies. As Jurgen picturesquely says:"The largest lake in hell is formed by the blood which the followers of the " Prince of Peace" have shed in advancing his cause,and their own.."There is no wild beast so ferocious as Christians who differ concerning their faith". How it may be lawful and fitting to use falsehood as a medicine,and for the benefit of those who want to deceived".Eusebius.." Great is the force of deceit!provided it is not excited by a treacherous intention". St.John Chrysostom." Many spurious books were forged in the earliest times of the church in the name of Christ and his apostles,which passed upon on the Church Fathers as genuine and divine through several successive ages"[ Middleton,free inquiry,pg 92]." It will not appear strange to those who have given any attention to the history on mankind,which will always suggest this sad reflection." That the greatest zealots in religion or the leaders of  sects and parties whatever purity or principles they pretend to have seldom scrupled to make use of a commodious lie for the advancement of what they call truth,and with regard to these very Fathers, there is not one of them,as a eminent writer of Ecclesiastical history declares,who made any scruple in those ages of using hyperbolical style to advance the honor of God and the salvation of men".[ Free inquiry,pg 83]."Ecclesiastical history consist of of nothing but the wickedness of the governing clergy: Grotius."And no man surely can doubt,but those,who would either forge, or make use of forged books,would,in the same cause,and for the same ends,make use of forged miracles,as well as forged gospels,epistles,creeds,and saint-tales"."The church exists mostly for the wealth and self-aggrandizement;to quit paying money to the priest would kill the whole scheme in a couple of years.This is the sovereign remedy."Being crafty I caught with guile..for if the truth of God hath more abound through my lie unto his glory;why yet am I also adjudged a sinner?[saint Paul]"What profit has not that fable of Christ brought us!..Pope Leo X.."Neither in the confusion of paganism,nor in the defilement of heresy,nor yet in the blindness of Judaism,is religion to be sought but among those alone are called Catholic Christians..St. Augustine.."Who ever will be saved,it is necessary above all else that he hold to the Catholic faith-so reads the venerable forged Athanasian Creed."There is no origin for the idea of an after-life save the conclusion which the savage draws from the notion suggested by dreams..Herbert Spencer..

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