Saturday, February 24, 2018

Whose Jesus will you follow? According to Mark....Jesus is a fallible,suffering human.There is no miraculous birth,and he becomes Gods son at his baptism.Marks Jesus repeatedly tells people he will return in their lifetime[9:1,13:30,14:62] and dies on the cross crying words taken from the 22nd Psalms...Matthews Jesus is a new and improved Jesus, by embellishing Jesus deeds and attributes,and beefing him up with plenty of miracles throughout. Matthews Jesus corrects Marks Jesus and even removes anything that makes his Jesus look less than perfect. For example: in Mark 6:5-6 Jesus is unable to do any mighty works because of their unbelief. Matthew will have none of that and changes "could not"do mighty works to "did not".[ 13:58 ]. He even goes so far as to deliberately alter scriptures to fit what he wants Jesus to say, such as when he cuts out whole generations of Jesus genealogy to make it fit his numerological scheme[ 1:17 ]. Matthew switches Jesus last words from Aramaic to Hebrew so that he cries out" Eli,Eli,lama sabachthani"not "Eloi,Eloi,lama sabachthani".Lukes Jesus is serene, beautiful and unflappable right from the grave. Lukes Jesus is wonderful and faultless. While Marks Jesus dies in anguish and despair,Lukes Jesus exits with composure and acceptance. Lukes dispenses with with the words of the 22nd Psalms altogether and makes his Jesus speak words from Psalms [23:46, 31:5]..Johns Jesus is a superman without a Clark Kent. Not only is he a no secret Messiah at all: He has a radically different personality, much more large and in charge, in total control at all times. Johns Jesus knows he's Gods and he does'nt care who knows it. He [Jesus] is constantly talking about his divinity and declaring himself to be: the bread of life[ 6:35,6:41,and 6:48 ] the living bread that came down from heaven[ 6:51 ]the light of the world[ 8:12,9:5 ]from above and not from this world[ 8:23 ] the Son of Man[ 8:28 ]the good shepherd[ 10:11 ] the resurrection and the life[ 11:25 ] the way ,the truth, and the life[14:6 ]the true vine[15:1 ]. Johns Jesus is not born of a virgin[ 1:45 ]and unlike the other gospels-no baptism for the perfect and sin-free Messiah. Johns Jesus does'nt speak in parables, no sermon on the mount[ like Matthew], no sermon on the plain[ like Luke ],no beatitudes, no blessed are the meek, no love thy neighbor,no suffer the little children, no consider the lilies of the field, no turn the other cheek. The poor and the suffering may be the focus of his ministry in the other gospels,but they barely get mentioned from Johns Jesus. Johns Jesus hates the Jews. His antipathy is not just confined to the treacherous Jewish leaders and the rich hypocritical fat-cats; no, Johns testy Jesus depicts the Jews as conniving persecutors out to murder him[5:16]. They bad mouth him[6:41],stalk him[7:1-11,25,35] are blind to his teaching[7:46-47] accuses him of having a demon in him[8:52]and try to stone him[8:59]. In Matthew,Mark and Luke;Jesus shares the meal with his disciples. John makes Jesus the passover lamb..Paul's Jesus is a cosmic Christ who traveled from the Hebrew underworld to the seven heavens to defeat demonic Archai [ ruler ].Mark's community took the opposite tack: their suffering Jesus was a ordinary human who God adopted at his baptism, tested and later resurrected and exalted to divine Lord to reward his obedience. This in stark contrast to Johnanine community,Jesus the Greek Logos who was there at the creation and fearlessly walked wanders across Judea loudly declaring that he is God himself.. In the epistles to the Hebrews Jesus is the heavenly High Priest who offers his sacrifice in a heavenly sanctuary, a perfect blend of traditional Jewish theology and Alexandrian style Platonism, and a conception of Christ unlike any other.[ 10 beautiful lies about Jesus by David Fritzgerald ]..

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