Saturday, March 3, 2018

St. Augustine declared that " There is no way of preserving the first chapter of Genesis without impiety, and attributing things to God unworthy of Him." There is, of course, nothing unique about these Hebraic Eden myths. They were known among the so-called heathens thousand of years before the bible was invented. Mr. George Smith, of the department of Oriental Antiquity of the British museum , discovered Assyrian terra-cotta tablets in the ruins of Nineveh, dating from 1500 to 2000 B.C.,which gives not only the story of the creation of man, but narratives of the deluge and the tower of Babel as well. In the original Babylonian Eden myth, as translated from a Sumerian tablets, there is the story of a great conflict among the gods. They cannot decide whether man should be created or not. A wise old reptile, the dragon Tiamat, opposed the creation of the human race. The dragon fought against the great god Bel, finally the god Bel overcame the dragon by blasting him with thunderbolts, and man was created, this conflict between Bel and the dragon bears a close analogy to the story of the revolution in Heaven recorded in the Apocalypse: thus it is evident that a form of the fall of man, similar to that of Genesis, was known in early times in Babylon. According to an Ancient Egyptian myth, Knoumou, the Father of the gods, molded the earliest man out of clay on a potters wheel. In the Greek mythology, Prometheus is depicted as manufacturing men from clay at Panopeus. The myths legends concerning such pagan christs as Osirius, Horus, Adonis, Krishna,etc, were later interpolations into the biography of Christ.... forgery in christianity.. J.Wheless...

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