Sunday, March 4, 2018

The book of Enoch, forged in the name of the grandson of Adam, is the fragmentary remains of a whole literature which circulated under the pretended authority of that mythical Patriarch. In its present form, the work of 104 chapters, is composed of five books with the following titles, of which those of book three and four are of particular significance, namely: 1.the rape of women by fallen angels and the giants that were begotten of them. 2. the visions of Enoch begin; 3. the visions continued, with views of the Messiah's Kingdom. 4. mans destiny revealed in dreams from the beginning to the end of the Messianic Kingdom; 5. the warning of Enoch to his own family and to mankind. This work is a composite of at least five unknown Jewish writers, and was composed during the the last two centuries B.C. The forged book of Enoch is quoted as genuine and inspired in the christian epistle of Jude[14,ef seq], and as "scripture" in the near canical epistle of Barnabas; with the early church Fathers and Apologists, among whom Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Athenagoras, Tertullian, Clement of Alexandria, Anatolius, Origen, St. Augustine,etc. " it had all the wright of a canonical book," but was finally condemned as a forgery by the forged Apostolic Constitution, an instance of the very dubious divine guidance of the inspired church against all error. Father Tertullian devoted an entire chapter " concerning the genuineness of the prophecy of Enoch," in which he gives fantastic patristic  reasons as to how the book survived Noah's flood. Of the immense significance of these forged Jewish " sacred writings" in general upon christian " revelation"and of the fabulous  book of Enoch in particular, with its elaborated myths of the Messiah, CE. thus confesses: " Jewish Apocalyptic is an attempt to supply the place of prophecy, which had been dead for centuries, and has its roots in the sacred oracles of Israel. Naturally basing itself upon the Pentateuch and the Prophets, it clothed itself fictitiously with the authority of patriarch or prophets who was made to reveal the transcendent future. The parables of Enoch with their pre-existent Messiahs, mark the highest point of development[ hence not divine revelation] of the Messianic concept to be found in the whole range of Hebrew literature"[CE.i,601,602]. From these uninspired ravings of Jewish forgeries came thus the " divine revelation" of the co-eternal " Son of God" worked up instead of the old"revealed" human king of the seed of David". The forged book of Enoch, thus vouched for, is notable for being" the earliest appearance of the Messiah in non-canonical literature" It is of the greatest importance for its doctrine of the Jewish Messiah, who here appears as wholly an earthly human deliverer and king over Israel forever, and for the origin of the exalted titles applied to the Messiah in the new testament books, as well as of a number of supposedly distinctive christian doctrines, first "revealed"by Jesus the Christ. In this book we first find the lofty titles:"Christ"or " the Anointed One"," Son of Man", the Righteous One"," the Elect One",all of which were boldly plagiarized by the later christian's and bestowed on Jesus of Nazareth the Messiah, just as in the new testament of later times, exist from the beginning[ 45,2]: he sits on the throne of God[ 45,3]; and all judgement is committed unto him[ 69,27]. The acceptance of Enoch as a Messianic prophet by the christian's led to his rejection by the Jews. Here is the earliest invention of the christian " HELL of fire and brimstone for eternal torment": " The wicked shall go down into Sheol of darkness and fire dwell there forever"; this being " one of the earliest mention of Sheol as a place of torment"[CE. i,602-3; EB. i'223-225]. It is the oldest piece of Jewish literature which teaches the general resurrection of Israel, a doctrine expanded to include Gentiles in later " interpolations" into the New Testament books. It abounds in such "christian" doctrines as the Messianic Kingdom, Hell, the Resurrection, and Demonology, the Seven Heavens, and the Millenium, all of which have here their apocryphal Jewish promulgation, after being plagiarized bodily from the Persian and Babylonian myths and superstitions, as we have seen confessed. There are numerous quotations, phrases, clauses, or thoughts derived from Enoch, or of closest kin with it, in several of the New Testament gospels and epistles, which may be readily found and compared as cataloged in the authorities below cited; pagan Jewish myths and doctrines which shared in molding the analogous  New Testament "revelations" or formed the necessary link in the development of doctrines from the old to the New Testament. The CE. says of the book of Enoch:" it had left its imprint on the New Testament and the works of the early Fathers. Clement of Alexandria, Tertullian, Origen, and even ST. Augustine supposed the work to be a genuine work of the patriarch. The work is a compilation, and its component parts were written in Palestine by Jews of the orthodox school in the latter part of the second century before Christ.[ see CE.i 602. passim; EB.v, 220-224] . In fourth Esdras, as in the Apocalypse of Baruch, we find for the first time, the fatal phrase and doctrine, " all mankind sinned with Adam"[ CE. i,604], whence Paul forged his fearful and accursed dogma of original sin and eternal damnation....Forgery in Christianity...J.Wheless...

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