Monday, March 5, 2018

The book of Jubilees or Little Genesis, is a fabricated embellishment of the Old Testament Genesis, written in the name of Moses somewhere between 135 B.C, or 60 A.D. and purports to be a revelation made to Moses by God " face to face" of events from Adam to Moses own day; the Patriarchs are made the exponents of the writers own Pharisaic views and hopes; until the twelfth century, when its forced character was discovered. One of the most important of apocryphal forgeries  is the Apocalypse of Baruch, " a pseudograph with christian interpolations."[ CE.i,604 ] written by a Jewish Pharisee about 50-90 A.D. who speaks in the first person in the name of Baruch, secretary of the Prophet Jeremiah. Some notable Fathers, such as Athenagoras, Justin Martyr, and ST. Irenaeus, cited Baruch as a Prophet, and vouch for him as on the same footing as Jeremiah, just as Irenaeus vouches for Susanna, Bel and the dragon as inspired work of Daniel[ CE.,604,iii,271;EB,i 220.] All of these divine and "revealed" doctrines of christian faith we have seen to be originally heathen Zoroastrian mythology, taken over by the Jews, then boldly plagiarized by the ex-pagan christians. Dean Milman, thus describe the universality of these notions among the heathens and the borrowing by the Jews and christians of what were originally Pagan superstitions-now become articles of christian revelation.[ Milman, History of Christianity i,93.] The Jews themselves looked upon the followers of Christ as a mere Israelitish  sect " the sect of the Nazarenes, the believers in the promised Messiah.[CE.iii,713] In this they were grievously deceived and disappointed." Christ humble and obscure life, ending in the ignominious death on the cross was the very opposite of what the Jews expected of their Christ."[ CE. i,620]..forgery in christianity..J.Wheless....

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