Thursday, March 1, 2018

The book of Judges was written by know body knows whom,nor when,except that it was "post-exilic.The gifted Samuel,prophet of the heathen high priest of Baal worship,records the historical episode of the calling up of his own ghost from the dead by the famous witch of En-dor[ 1sam.18:1-19]..The ex-bandit David,"a man after God's own heart"- after murdering a man to get his adulterous wife,and engendering  of her,his all wise son and hero Solomon,wrote the 150 songs of the Hebrew Hymm book.Solomon himself,accordingly wrote the wisdom of the ages into his book of Proverbs,though not one of them is by Solomon,and in his light[ headed or hearted] spells penned his erotic canticles.These are indeed but one collection out of the great many pornographic stories of the holy ghost's decameron, enshrined in God's holy word for delectation of the Puritans of faith.Other divinely inspired and anonymous writers,falsely entitling their effusions under the names of this or that prophet or other wholly fictitious personage,as Job,Esther,Ruth,Daniel,give forth yet other inspired histories,books of oracles or prophecies,apocalypes or high powered visions into futurity,and a miscellany of sacred novels,love-stories and non-descript musings or ravings known collectively as the Hagoigrapha or Holy writings of the Jews,it may be stated with assurance that not one of them bears the name of it's true author;that every one of them is a composit  work of many hands"interpolating"the most anachronistic and contradictory matters into the original writings,and often reciting as accomplished facts things which occurred many centuries after the time of the supposed writers,as Psalms,Isaiah,Daniel,and the so-called"historical"books.It is true that the Pentateuch,so long attributed to Moses is now held by the vast majority of non-Catholic,and by an increasing number of Catholic scholars to be a compilation of four independent sources put together in final shape soon after the captivity.[C.E. 1,622]. This scores strongly for Hebrew-Christian forgery and fraud in attributing this primitive system of Bible "science"and barbarous law to a god,as a pretext for priestly domination of the superstitious people.The whole five books of Moses are thus a confessed forgery in the names of Moses and God;every one of the thus saith the Lord a thousand times repeated,with speeches and laws put into the mouth of God,are false and forged.The Hegelian principle of evolution applied to religion,has powerfully helped to beget a tendency to regard the religion of Israel as evolved by process not transcending nature,from a polytheistic worship of the elements to a spiritual and ethical monotheism.[C.E.i,493.]But this finally and very late evolved monotheism is neither a tardy divine revelation to the Jews,nor a novel invention by them;it was a thousand years antedated by Amenhotep IV and Tut-ankh-amen in Egypt,nor was they the pioneers.We have seen the admission that the Zoroastrian Mithra religion was "a divinely revealed Monotheism"[C.E.ii,156].But the Hebrews were confessed and notorious idolaters and polytheists until the captivity;that fact is a thousand times alleged through out the scriptures as the sole reason for their troubles and captivity.Contradictions throughout the Bible,old and new testaments alike,abound by the many thousands and in virtually every book of both testaments.These proofs of uninspired human origin and of confusion worse confounded of tinkering,"interpolations' and forgery outright,by the pious priest of Israel and Judah,and the Ezra"school"of forgers of the"Law and Prophets."Forgery in Christianity by J.Wheless......

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