Thursday, March 1, 2018

THE SEPTUAGINT "VIRGIN BIRTH"FRAUD:The most colossal of the blunders of the Septuagint translators supplemented by the most insidious,persistence and purposeful falsification of text,is instanced in the false translation of the notoriously false pretended "prophecy" of Isaiah 7:14...The Greek priest who forged the "gospel" according to "St.Matthew"having before him false Septuagint translation of Isaiah,reads:"Behold a virgin shall be with child,and shall bring forth a son,and they shall call his name "Emmanuel"[ matt.1:23].The Hebrew words ha-almah means simply the young women;and harah is the Hebrew past or present tense "conceived" which in Hebrew as in English,represent past and completed action.Honestly translated,the verse reads:"Behold the young women has conceived and beareth  a son and calleth his name Immanuel.Almah simply means a young women,of marriageable age,whether married or not,or a virgin or not.Virgin in Hebrew is always expressed by the word Bethulah.But the Septuagint translation into Greek,the Hebrew word Almah was erroneously rendered into the Greek panthenos,virgin,changed into "a" by later falsifying translators."Modern theology"does not grant that Isaiah 7:14 contains a real prophecy fulfilled in the virgin birth of Christ.Thus is apparent,and confessed,the dishonesty of "Matthew"and the church in perverting this idle,false and falsified text of Isaiah into a "prophecy"of the virgin birth of Jesus Christ,and in persisting in retaining this falsity in their own bogus theology,fully knowing it's falsity,yet,clings to this precious lie of the virgin birth...So much for the"Inspired Hebrew Scriptures!!!!!!..forgery in christianity... J. Wheless...

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