Tuesday, August 7, 2018

In preparation for their hasty flight from Egypt we have an illustration of Hebrew ethics on a racial scale by their own confession. They tell unblushingly of how they "spoiled the Egyptians"- in plain speech, they stole from them" jewels of gold and jewels of silver and fine raiment"Worse than all this-such wholesale thievery was at the command and under the immediate direction of the deity that they worshipped! Anyhow,they say that the Egyptians pursued them,not to recover the stolen property as one might suppose that they would,but to bring back the Israelites. But that is not all of this incredible narrative;for,as they tell it, the Red Sea in a most accommodating manner facilitated the escape of the thieves by opening up all the way across and allowing them to pass dryshod to the other side, then swallowing up Pharoah and his army..... A myth once canonized is a difficult thing to get rid of,for it takes moral courage to reject such chaff...

Monday, July 2, 2018

Sukkafreestudies: THE CURSE IN EDEN: This "curse" is a triple-plated...

Sukkafreestudies: THE CURSE IN EDEN: This "curse" is a triple-plated...: THE CURSE IN EDEN: This "curse" is a triple-plated damnation against the serpent,the woman and the man. It is worth the while ...

THE CURSE IN EDEN: This "curse" is a triple-plated damnation against the serpent,the woman and the man. It is worth the while to pause a moment to dissect it,curse by curse, as set out in Gen.3..THE SNAKE CURSE" Yahveh Elohim said unto the serpent;because thou hast done this,(1) thou art cursed above all cattle and above every beast of the field;(2) upon thy belly shalt thou go,and dust shall thou eat all the of thy life;(3) and I will put enmity between thee and the women,and between thy seed and her seed,(4) it shall bruise thy head,and thou shall bruise his heel.(Gen.3:14-15).Seen the serpent naturally goes around on its belly anyhow,one may wonder where is the point in cursing him to continue to "wriggle in and wriggle out"as usual;and as to eating dust for a steady diet,this must be a mistake,for snakes are not known to eat dust,but they are known to eat birds and rabbits,rats and other snakes. We shall consider the words"enmity between thee and the woman" and "thy seed" when we have noticed the other curses in their order..THE CURSE ON THE WOMAN: Unto the woman he said(1) I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception;(2) in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children;(3) and thy desire shall be unto thy husband,and he shall rule over thee.( Gen.3:16).Here the choleric Yahveh simply inflicts poor Eve in her own single person with the increased pangs in child-birth and a multiplications of sorrows,which would do no credit to any kind of loving God.Also,this curse on woman was evidently limited to Eve alone; and there is no justice or reason in claiming,as some expositors insist,that Yahveh cursed all women for the simple act of one woman,any more than he did all serpents.The whole curse against Eve was really pain and sorrow in giving life,not eternal damnation after death.THE CURSE ON MAN:Unto Adam he said,because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife,and hast eaten of the tree,of which I commanded thee,saying,thou shalt not eat of it(1) cursed is the ground for thy sake;(2) in sorrow shalt thou eat (of) it all the days of thy life;(3) thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee;(4) and thou shall it the herbs of the field;(5) in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread,till thou return unto the ground;for out of it wast thou taken;for dust thou art,and unto dust shalt thou return,(Gen.3:17-19).This is every single solitary item of the fearful "curse on man", it is no curse upon Adam(man) at all,except the one item of having to work for an honest living; all the rest of the "curse" is upon the harmless and helpless earth. There is not one word in record of sin or death or damnation as a penalty against Adam himself, much less against his posterity and all humanity. So the "curse' is been to be quite innocuous; and I pledge my word of honor that there is not another word nor the remotest allusion in all the Hebrew Bible to the whole incident of the garden and the snake. The Old Testament is as silent as Sheol(the grave) about any pretended"original sin,curse or fall"and of eternal damnation on account of that or anything else..IS IT GOD'S WORD???

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Sukkafreestudies: The Sacred Doctrine of Christianity:The creeds,say...

Sukkafreestudies: The Sacred Doctrine of Christianity:The creeds,say...: The Sacred Doctrine of Christianity:The creeds,says a poet,are in number some seventy-three Christian sects or denominations,each founde...

The Sacred Doctrine of Christianity:The creeds,says a poet,are in number some seventy-three Christian sects or denominations,each founded upon chosen texts,there are in fact a much greater number,some hundreds,each quite out of harmony with all the others. Each by its sectarian votaries is fondly held to be the sole inheritor of saving truth,and can point with pride to the inerrant texts where the legacy of truth is made to it alone. But every other sect disputes this reading,and with equal assurance and no less pride can point to yet other texts of the true Testament which nullify the pretensions of all the others and leaves itself the sole and universal heir to saving truth. For are not the Christian sects, seventy-three though be their conflicting creeds,one and all of them founded upon the"impregnable rock of the Holy Scripture."As Mr. Gladstone termed it,and the belief that this book is divinely inspired in its every word;that it is the "living Word of God,"the faithful revelation of his divine will to man? Outside the sacred tome itself, no higher authority can be invoked for the inerrant truth of Holy Writ and the utter unity of that truth than the recent(AD 1870) spirit-illumined declaration of the sacred Vatican Council:"These books are sacred and canonical because they contain revelation without error,and because,written by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost,they have God for their author."Yet we have in the foregoing pages seen great parts of this God-written book sadly lacking in inspiration and truth;and to explain or attenuate this,one might suspect that such parts of it may be excepted from the general rule of inspiration and inerrancy. But in this they err,to believe,the Holy Ghost speaking lately through Pope Leo 13:in his encyclical Provid.Deus, where this error is roundly refuted:"it will never be lawful to restrict inspiration merely to certain parts of the Holy Scripture,or to grant the sacred writers could have made a mistake. They render in exact language,with infallible truth,all that God commanded and nothing else;without that,God would not be the author of the Scripture in its entirety."...Is it Gods word?...

Thursday, June 7, 2018

THE "BLESSED NAME" OF JESUS: It may be noted first,in passing,that the name of the "Christ",whether God or man,was not, to himself and his family and people, Jesus at all. His given name in Hebrew, or Aramaic, the language in which he spoke is Yehoshua[ plain Joshua]. The meaning of the name is "Yahveh is salvation", Jesus is the later Greek form of the name Joshua. The added title "Christ"is another Greek translation or substitute for the Hebrew Scriptural word" Messiah", which mean "anointed". John, if he wrote the gospel attributed to him, himself a Hebrew but writing in current Greek, correctly explains this when he tells of Andrew's coming to his brother Simon Peter and announcing: " We have found the Messiah, which being interpreted, the" Christ"[ John 1:41]. Both words, the Hebrew Mashiach and its Greek equivalent Christos, means simply," the anointed" The Galilean bearer of this name[ Hebrew, Joshua; Greek, Jesus],by this token cannot be the virgin-born subject of the "prophecy" of Isaiah, as claimed by Matthew; for Isaiah declares that his virgin, bearing a son," shall call his name Immanuel"[ Isa.7:14, quoted in Matt.1:23]; this name as Matthew explains in the same verse,"being interpreted is, God[ EL ] with us"[ Matt.1:23], whereas Joshua[ Jesus ] means as we have seen, " Yahveh is salvation" So the virgin-born Joshua or Jesus of Matthew cannot possibly be, all other proofs aside, be the same infant as the virgin-born Immanuel of Isaiah. It has already been fully proved that Isaiah's unfulfilled "prophecy" regarding his "sign" of the outcome of the war of the two kings against Jerusalem does not at all refer to the child of Mary, 750 years later. We need not dwell again here on this prophecy of miraculous birth, but proceed to some other compelling proofs of the persistent errancy and inconsistency of Matthew and his fellow propagandists of this Jesus as the Christ. The great national hero who should come to avenge the Chosen Children of Yahveh against the Assyrians and other oppressors is not once intimated in the Hebrew Scriptures to be anything other than a human being," of the seed of David"who as a king, should re-establish the throne of David on earth, as soften promised and proclaimed by Yahveh[ e.g. Isa..11:1;Luke. 1:32, Acts 2:30]. Never once is it hinted that Yahveh himself," Man of war"though he was, would come in person to accomplish the liberation and restoration of his Chosen People, after failing so signally to save them from destruction and captivity. Nor is there so much as an ambiguous or doubtful bit of revelation that Yahveh had a son by the name Joshua, whom he would send at some time in the future to fill the role of the promised hero, and neither re-establish the throne of David on earth or set up a new religion promising a Kingdom in heaven to the disappointed expectants of the renew earthly Kingdom of Israel...is it gods word...

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

" ADAM" MEANS ONLY " MAN"....The word "adam" as the proper name of a man is a deception of the theologian translators of Genesis. The original Hebrew text says, not "adam" as a proper name, but " ha-adam"the man, a common noun. We will notice some instances of this..In Genesis[ 1:26] occurs the first mention of man, the first use of Adam:" and Elohim[ gods] said, Let us make man[ Adam] in our image, and Elohim created ha-adam[ the man] in his image[ 1:27] male and female both together. In chapter 2:it is said in the translation that Yahveh formed the beasts of the field out of the ground[ Adamah ]" and brought them unto Adam"[ 2:19], and Adam gave names,,but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him[2:20]. But the Hebrew text mentions no "Adam"; it simply reads that Yahveh brought the animals "unto"ha-adam"[the man], and ha-adam[the man] gave names,etc. In Genesis [2:7] "Yahveh formed ha-adam out of the dust of ha-adamah[the ground]. And so throughout the Hebrew Bible "man" is "adam"[ not Adam], and ground is "adamah". Man is called in Hebrew "adam", because he was formed out of the"adamah" ground. It may be instanced that the prophet Ezekiel many times represent Yahveh as addressing him as "ben-adam"[son of man],,the identical term Jesus so often uses of himself long after. As the whole of the "sacred science of Christianity" is built and dependent upon the factual existence of a "first man" named Adam, the now attenuated ghost of this mythical Adam must be laid beyond the peradventure of resurrection. The texts of the Hebrew book will themselves effectively lay the ghost. In Hebrew adam is a common noun, used to signify man or mankind in a generic sense; the noun for an individual man is "ish"and so the sacred texts makes manifest." Elohim said:"Let us make adam"[1:26], and " Elohim created ha-adam, male and female[1:27]. In chapter 2:"and there was not adam to till the adamah"[2:5];" and Yahveh-Elohim formed ha-adam[the man] and ha-adam became a living soul[2:3], and Yahveh-Elohim placed in the garden"ha-adam" whom he had formed"[2:8] and Yahveh-Elohim took ha-adam[2:15], and commanded ha-adam[2:16];and said" it is not good for ha-adam to be alone"[2:18]; and made animals and brought them to ha-adam, and whatsoever ha-adam should call them"[2:19]; and ha-adam called names; but for ha-adam he did not find a help meet"[2:20]; and Yahveh-Elohim caused a deep sleep to come upon ha-adam[2:21], and from his rib made women, and he brought her unto ha-adam[2:22] and ha-adam said and called her women[ heb,ish] was she taken[2:23]"therefore shall a man[ish] leave his father and cleave unto his issahah[2:24] and they were both naked,ha-adam and his issahah[2:25]. Chapter 3:"and Yahveh-Elohim called unto ha-adam[3:9];and ha-adam said, ha-isshah whom thou gavest me[ 3:12];and Yahveh-Elohim said to ha-isshah, the longing shall be thy ish[ 1:26-5:3-5]. In these latter version adam is used indifferently without the artical, and the translators wrote it Adam as a proper name, but all the previous and subsequent usage shows it is the same common noun for mankind[ 6:1,6:7,9]. All  through the Hebrew Bible adam,ha-adam, is for generic man;[ish] for individual man; Adam is never a proper name, except in post-exilic genealogies of Chronicles....J.WHELESS...

Sunday, May 13, 2018

THE BIBLE"PREFACE".. A flood of light on Mosaic authorship of the Book of Genesis, as well as on "divine revelation" of the most wonderful of its record events,breaks in at this vital point. In this light we will read a record which will totally destroy the theory of divine revelation. The Hebrew claim to 'have Abraham as our Father,"or tribal founder. The"history" or account of tribal traditions of the Chosen People as a new or separate-and"peculiar"-ethnic division, first as a nomadic desert Bedouins, later grown into a Hebrew nationality, begins with the"calling" of Abraham and his departure out of Ur of the Chaldees into Canaan, the "land of Promise"This event is related in Genesis 12; from there to the end of the whole Hebrew Scripture is a miraculous"history" of Abraham and his descendants as the Hebrew people. The first eleven chapters of Genesis are not Hebrew history at all;they deal with cosmic and human-race history,of the creation of the world and the process of the gentile races of mankind,centered around an alledged-direct line of personages,non-Hebraic and pre-Hebrew, from Adam,through Noah and his son Shem,to the immediate forbears of the Hebrew Father Abraham,who was born a Chaldean[Gen.i-xi]. All the rest of the record deals with the theocratic history of the Hebrew as'Chosen People' of their god Yahveh,through their whole national life down to Babylonian captivity,the restoration to their native land under Ezra and Nehemiah,by the grace of the Persian conquerors of Babylon,and their subsequent re-establishment of their theocracy.Note now this capital fact: in the whole Scripture record ,from Genesis 12 to the post-exilic Books of the Chronicles,Ezra,etc.there is not a word or mention of one of the transcendent wonders of Genesis i-xi:creation,Father Adam and Mother Eve,Eden,or the serpent,Noah and his flood,the Tower of Babel,not a hint of any of these great events and personages preceeding Abraham's trek into Canaan in the year 1921 B.C. In 586 B.C. Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon,conquered Judea,destroyed Jerusalem,and carried away into captivity the Chosen People.There in the new strange country,"by the rivers of Babylon...we hanged are harps upon the willows in the midst thereof;for there they that carried us away captive required of us a song. How shall we sing Yahveh's song in a strange land?[ Psalm 137:1-4]. This proves,too,that David did not write this Psalm,for it was written after the captivity;and there they dreamed of the Messiah who should arise to "deliver us from the Assyrians."There in Babylon,for 50 years[not 70,as their prophecies say] until Ezra,and for 150 years until Nehemiah,the Chosen People remained among the wonders of the highest civilizations of the East.There they learned the lore and the literature of the Assyrians and the Babylonians cultures;and they no doubt conned with amazement the tablets and books of the great libraries of the land in they dwelt.From these wonderful records of the past they learned the Babylonian Epic of Creation,wherein are recorded the fables of creation,the first parents,the garden,the forbidden trees of knowledge and of life,the serpent,the temptation,the fall of man,the flood and the ark,and of the Tower of Babel,the reputed original of which stood there before their wondering eyes. There they gathered these legends of the ancient past; and there, or after their return from captivity, they wrote, rewrote, or edited their own ancient chronicles and their books of religion lore for use in the restored homeland. The thing speaks for itself:they simply recast the wonders of the Epic of Creation to suit their own notions and so as to make their own Yahveh the great Creator instead of Marduk. And to show that Yahveh's chosen people were of the most ancient and illustrious lineage, they worked in the marvelous direct descent from the first man Adam, through Noah, to Terah, father of Abraham, only twenty generations since "in the beginning" When this product was completed, they tacked it on to their own tribal chronicles as a sort of introduction, and there it stands today- the revised Babylonian Epic of Creation as Genesis 1-11, the preface to the theocratic history of the Hebrews. Later priestly theologians attached the potent name of Moses to the first five books, and the whole gained credit as divinely revealed by Yahveh God to the traditional first historian and law giver, Moses.... J.WHELESS.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

The " Five Books of Moses": The first and most obvious proof that the so-called 'Five Books' of Moses were not written by Moses, but date from a time many centuries after his reputed life and death, is very simple and indisputable. This proof consists of very numerous instances of what are called post-Mosaics,or"after-Moses" events related in those books under the name Moses as their inspired author; events of which Moses of course could not have known or written,as they occurred long after his death. It may be remarked,parenthetically ,that Moses nowhere claims to have written the Five Books,nor does the Bible elsewhere impute their authorship to Moses. It is only 'THE LAW" which is elsewhere attributed to Moses. Indeed the books are written throughout in the third person-Moses did or said this or that;never in all the relations of the doings and sayings of Moses does" I did" or " I said" once occur,except when Moses is recorded as making a speech. A singular passage in Exodus vi illustrates this point and is striking evidence that Moses could not written the books. In verse 13 it is related: And Yahveh spake unto Moses and unto Aaron, and gave them a charge unto the children of Israel,and unto Pharoah King of Egypt".Immediately, in verse 14 to 27 follows the strange interruption of the narrative by the insertion of a series of family genealogies,beginning" these be the heads of their father houses" with many names including the pedigrees of Moses and Aaron,the marriage of Aaron,and mention the names of his offspring;then this careful explanation: "These are that Aaron and Moses,to whom Yahveh said, Bring out the children of Israel from Egypt. These are they which spake to Pharoah King of Egypt, to bring out the children of Israel from Egypt: these are the Moses and Aaron'[ vv.26-27] Moses could never have written in this form and manner among his contemporaries who knew him and,all about the "bring out of Egypt" a thousand years afterwards the thing was written, and the sacred scribe took pains,thrice reiterated, to identify the Aaron and Moses mentioned in the genealogies with the traditional Moses and Aaron of the Exodus. It is recognized by scholars that all these elaborate genealogies inserted in the five books are post-exilic compositions. Their exact duplicates are found in the post-exilic books of Chronicles,and some in Ezra. This too is the origin of the use" Adam" as a proper name instead of the common noun that it is.... Is it God words???J.Wheless...

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Following the truism of Isaiah," LIKE KING LIKE PEOPLE" very great sections of the people throughout the Empire, especially the official and subservient classes, hastened to adopt the name and outward indicia of Christianity, now become official and popular. But so "joined to their idols"were the masses of pagan "converts" for convenience, and so addicted to its showy forms and ceremonies that the now officially recognized Church of Christ was not slow to popularize itself with the pagan-christian masses by taking over bodily and"baptizing" to itself the temples,idols,rituals,ceremonials, the pomp and glorious circumstances of paganism as we have just seen admitted by the paragraphs of church history quoted from the works of Sellars and the authoritative Catholic Encyclopedia. Christianity became thus scarcely more than a refined veneer of paganism. A devout pagan becoming either from convenience or conviction, a Christian no doubt felt quite comfortable and at home in a"baptized"pagan-christian temple,aglow with all trapping and ceremonials and resonant with all the old familiatuals and litanies of his just-recanted paganism,with merely the name of Zeus or Jupiter replaced by that of Jehovah, and of Adonis or Tammuz by the of Jesus, and with "Mary,Mother of God"from Isis[with the child Horus], as the new"Queen of Heaven."As the missionaries of Rome carried the new cult into yet other countries, and various Kings and rulers fell to the appeal and pomp of the priests, whole tribes and nations of heathens followed their leaders into the church,veneering their paganism with the name,forms,and ceremonials of Roman Christianity. This is the testimony of early ecclesiastical and secular history. Later instances more generally known,but the significance of which is as generally overlooked, further confirm Isaiah's maxim. For a millennium the Western Empire was more or less Roman Christians; the Eastern Empire had the Greek Church with its own Patriarch,but, with considerable vicissitudes of constancy, it recognized the supremacy of papal Rome, and the formulas of faith and creed were the same, with the exception of the age long controversy over the "filioque" clause of the Nicene Creed, and the bitter feuds over image-worship known as iconoclasm. The rancours engendered from these differences of belief, together with the bigoted pretensions of patriarch and pope, led the final rupture between Greek and Roman Churches in the year 1053. All the West followed their leader the pope; the East clung with equal tenacity to the tenets of the patriarch. So bitter were the hatreds thus perpetuated, that the Western popes and emperor refused all aid to the beleaguered emperors and church of the East in the fatal conflicts with the Turks, till in 1453 Constantinople and the whole Eastern empire fell before the Crescent, and Europe became Turkish and Mohammedan up to the very gates of Vienna. But Western and Northern Europe remained of the Roman faith until the reformation begun by Luther in 1517. Here a most signal vindication of "Like King like People" is witnessed. The Christian Kings and rulers who had political grievances against the pope quickly took up the quarrel of Luther with the Roman Church; those who were politically friendly to the pope seized arms to defend him and the Church the irrespective peoples flocked to their standards and followed them in their rival faiths, and Europe was a welter of blood and strife during the ensuring fierce wars between Catholic and Protestant Christians. The strife of hostile christian faiths yet endures, abated some-what in degree. England was wholly Romish before the reformation. The old Romish practice of burning dissenters at the stake was turned against English Catholics to suppress that sect entirely. And so,through the dark ages of faith, and so long as the priest-prostituted State would use its civil power in superstitious aid of the Holy Church, the Holy Church has zealously fulfilled its Bible commands and has murdered and tortured men, women, and tender children by fire and sword through its special agency of faith, the Holy Inquisition. This priest-ordained institution was only abolished by the infidel Napoleon of Italy in 1808; but the moment his dreaded power fell, the "Scourge of God" was eagerly re-established in the Papal States by God's Vicar Pope Pius VII in 1814. It was only finally abolished along with the usurped "temporal" of God's vicars on earth, as one of the first glorious acts of the new Kingdom of Italy, in 1870, just at the time when the Holy Ghost came to the " Vatican prisoners" to reassert that the torture and murder of dissenters from theological dogma was a God-imposed duty and divine right of his Holy Church....J.Wheless..

Thursday, April 19, 2018

The Deadly Sanctions of Religion: The priests should not alone bear the infamy of these laws of persecution and death, instigated by them. To the Devil his due! The "Holy Ghost" itself, it is claimed by the Bible and the Church, inspired and decreed by positive command all the bloody murders and tortures by the priests from Moses to the last one committed; and the spirit of them lives and is but hibernating to-day. The Holy God of Israel, whose name is merciful, thus decreed on Sinai:" He that sacrificeth to any gods[ Elohim],save unto Yahweh only, he shall be utterly destroyed"[ Ex.22:20]. And hear this, which the ancient priests attributed to their God: If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thy own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Lets us go serve other gods, and...Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor harken unto him, neither shall thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare him, neither shalt thou conceal him: But thou shalt surely kill him, thine hand shalt be the first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people. And thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die"[ Deut. 13:6-10]. And the tergiversant  slaughter-breathing persecutor for pay of the early Christians,now turned for profit their chief apostle of persecution, pronounces time and again the anathema of the new dispensation against all dissenters from his superstitious, tortuous doctrines and dogmas, all such "whom I have delivered unto Satan"[ 1 Tim.1-20] as he writes to advise hid adjutant Timothy. He flings at the scoffing Hebrews this question" He that despised Moses, law died without mercy... Of how much sorer punishment suppose ye shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God?[ Heb. 10:28-29]. All such "are set fourth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire."[ Jude 7];" that they might all be damned who believe not the truth"[ 2 Thess.2:12]; and even"he that doubteth is damned"[ Rom.14:23]. This Paul, who with such bigoted presumption"deals damnation around the land on all he deems the foe"of his dogmas, is first seen"consenting to the death"of the first martyr Stephen[ Acts.8:1];then he blusters through the country"breathing out threatening and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord"[ Acts.9:1], the new converts to the new faith. Then,when he suddenly professed miraculous"conversion"himself, his old master turned on him and sought to kill, and he fled to these same disciples for safety, to their great alarm[ Acts.9:23-26],and straightway began to bully and threaten all who would not now believehis new preachment. To Elymas,who"withstood them"the doughty new dogmatist"set his eyes on him,"and thus blasted him with inflated vituperation:" O full of all subtilty  and all mischief, thou child of the devil,thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord"?[ Acts 13:8-10]. Even the "meek and loving Jesus"is quoted as giving the fateful admonition:"fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell"[ Matt. 10:28]--hear first invented and threatened by Jesus the Christ himself, for added terror unto belief. Paul climaxes the terror," It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God"[ Heb.10:31]. Thus"breathing out threatening and slaughter"against all who would not believe their gospel of miracles and damnation, the founders of the new faith forged and fastened the fetters of the new superstition upon the already superstitious pagans about them, and gradually throughout the Roman world. By fear of hell, pagan individuals, and in later times, by the choice proffered by"Christian"conquerors between the Cross and the sword,whole pagan people fell under the domination of the new militant faith. Whole tribes and nations were given the choice between Christianity and death; early history abounds in instances. The Hungarians adopted Christianity as the alternative to extermination in A.D. 1000;also the pagan Wends when conquered in 1144, and most of the pagan Teutonic tribes. Charlemagne required every male subject of the Holy Roman Empire above the age twelve to renew his oath of allegiance and swear to not only be good subjects but also good Christians. To refuse baptism and to retract after baptism were crimes punishable with death. It was indeed fearful danger and death by torture, rack, and fire to show the faintest symptoms of doubt in the faith of the Holy Church...IS IT GODS WORDS?..J.Wheless...

Sunday, April 8, 2018

The rich pray for pounds, and the poor pray for pence, beseehing the Lord upon the universal prayer-theme of "Gimme."The utter futility of prayer in objective sense for the obtaining of the subject-matter of the supplication, even of the ' Give us this day our daily bread,' which many do get and many others miserably go without, is confessed by CE., which frankly attributes all these thing to the operation of the Law of Chance:" The apparent success which so often attends superstition can mostly be accounted for by natural causes, although[ it piously adds] it would be rash to deny all supernatural intervention[e.g. in phenomena of Spiritualism.] When the object is to ascertain, or to effect in a general way, one of two possible events, the law of probabilities give an equal chance to success and failure; and success does more to support than failure would do to destroy superstition, for,on its side, there are arrayed the religious instinct, sympathy and apathy, confidence and distrust, encouragement and discouragement, and , perhaps strongest of all, the healing power of nature."[ CE.xiv,341] There, in a nutshell, is the profound psychology of the priest-instilled "religious instinct", and of the hit-or-miss" efficacy of prayer"for the conjoling of " heavenly gifts"of earthly benefits and of the eversion of the heaven-sent or devil-inflicted evils whereof suffering humanity is the sport and prey, to the utter indifference of their Celestial Pater! If the thing prayed for cometh to pass," the gods have, God has, answered our prayers; blessed be their, His, name! and the fortunate results are noised abroad. If by equal chance the prayed-for benefit is unattained, then" God knows better than we what is best for us, and the less said about the failure the better for childlike faith. When exposed to danger or death,if we escape it is ' the wonderful Providence of God", nothing being thought or said about those so curiously designated " Acts of God"which permitted or influenced the disaster; whereas, if we die or continue in suffering, then,"God's ways are not our way', the ways of God are beyond our finite understanding," et cetera of pious apologies for the silence and failure of God to help his suffering and neglected children. The fatal work of the church and priest through the Christian Era has wrought ignorance, superstition and vice: it has been and remain a supreme failure. Faith is become obsolete before fact. Christianity is proved to be a fraudulent BANKRUPT;this is its final adjudication before the bar of civilization. The Christian religion shown to be a congeries of revamped Pagan Superstitions and of Priestly lies, is not respectable for belief: every honest and self-respecting mind must repudiate it in disgust. Faith-fondly called the most precious heritage of the race, is not a thing wherefore to be proud of, it is not intelligent or of Reason. Not a flicker of intelligence is required to believe: millions of the most illiterate and ignorant of earths teeming population are the firmest in their "faith"in every form of religious superstition known to the priest of the world, the most devout believers of this or that imposture,"most assured of what of what they are most ignorant' withal. Indeed, as aptly quoted:"Unbelief is no crime that Ignorance was ever capable of being guilty of".....J.Wheless;;;;;; WE CAN ALL"DO GOOD,FOR GOOD IS GOOD TO DO!!!

Unborn Babes To Burn Forever: The damnable doctrine of Infant Damnation was one of the most terrifying and effective impostures of the Church to drive helpless victims into the fold of Christ. Infamous enough was the earlier doctrine of exclusive salvation, that the unbaptized adult, the individual outside the church was the heir to eternal damnation. But soon the terror was extended to the just-born infant, to even the fetus in its womb. St. Augustine affirmed this atrocity with all his vehemence; all the Fathers without exception dinned it eternally, as yet today. A treatise of the greatest authority, De Fide, long attributed to Augustine, but now known to be the work of Bishop St. Fulgentius[CE.vi,317.] thus states the horrid doctrine:" Be assured, and doubt not, that not only men who have attained the use of their reason, but also little children who have begun to live in their mother's womb and have there died, or who, having been just born ,have passed away from the world without the sacrement of holy baptism, administered in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, must be punished by the eternal torture of undying fire; for although they have committed no sin by their own will, they have nevertheless drawn with them the condemnation of original sin, by their carnal conception and nativity."[sec.70.] Lecky who quotes the passage, thus comment the effects as witnessed in practise throughout the Middle Ages: Nothing indeed can be more curious, nothing more deeply pathetic, than the record of the many ways by which the terror-strickened mothers attempted to evade the awful sentence of their church. Sometimes the baptismal water was sprinked upon the womb; the still-born child was baptized, in hope that the Almighty would antedate the ceremony; sometimes the mother invoked the Holy Spirit to purify by His immediate power the infant that was to be born; sometimes she recieved the Host or obtained absolution, and applied them to the benefit of her child. For the doctrine of the church had wrung the mother's heart with an agony that was too poignant for even that submissive age to bear.'[ Rationalism in Europe,i,362-364] And all this on account of an apple eaten four thousand years before they were born; willed by the Deity who had foreordained their birth and premature death,before His Holy Church could come for the Baptismal fees!..J.Wheless...

Thursday, April 5, 2018

PRIESTLY TERRORISM GOD-ORDAINED MURDER for Unbelief: The Jewish forgers of the near-sacred Books of Enoch,Esdras,etc. had pilfered from the sacred books and system of Zoroaster of Persia, their superstitions of angels and devils and hell-fire, and had invented the infernal doctrine of Original Sin and eternal damnation therefore, all which counterfeit passed to and became current among the religious zealots of the debased Judaism then in vogue. Attributing their "revelations" or invention to Jesus Christ himself, the second-century forging Fathers of the New Faith bodily plagiarized these ready-made Pagan-Jewish superstitions, and by the potent " Sign of the Cross" metamorphosed them to holy"revelations" and inspired truths, the which to doubt was to be damned. The fanatic Hebrew religion and its derivative Christianity are the only religions ever known on earth based on and maintained by systematic persecution and murder. God-given laws of murder for disbelief were decreed at Sinai. A holy monopoly of priest was founded, and the divine ukase ordained:"They shall keep their priesthood,and the stranger that cometh nigh shall be put to death[Num.iii,10.] Murder was God-decreed:" The man that will do presumptuously and will not hearken unto the priests, even that man shall die"[Deut.xvii,12.] Again the Jealous God decrees:" He that sacrificeth to any other god[thus admitting the other gods] save unto Yahweh alone, he shall be utterly destroyed."[Ex.xxii,20,Deut.xvii,2-5.] The one plus ultra of inspired atrocity of Divine legislation is this infamy devised by priests and attributed to their mythic God:" If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or the daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thy own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, let us go serve other[more civilized] gods, Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shalt thine eyes pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him: But thou shalt surely kill him: thine hand shall be the first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people. And thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die"![Deut.xiii,6,8-10;xvii,2-7.] Old Elijah murdered with his god's help, two, companies of soldiers and their captains by calling down fire from heaven, and 450 priest of Baal and 400 priests of the phallic Asherahs, to prove by these 850 murders," If I be a man of the god's."[2 Kings,i,12.] His old side partner Elisha stood by and watched God-send a bear which he had invoked, tear and eat forty small children who ill-manneredly thumbed their noses at his bald pate; and thought the blessed Old Testament of God some hundreds of thousands of people were murdered by God outright and by his holy priestly agents,simply for differences of opinion or of conduct with respect or disrespect to the holy Hebrew God and religion. The Son of the Hebrew God came in course of time to Jewry ostensibly to make amends for some of his Father's damning vengeances. He came to"fulfill the law"; not only that, he overdid it and added to its sundry fiery climaxes of cursing and damnation,religious bigotry and intolerance unique to the" gospel of love" and redemptive salvation. For sanctions ad terrorem of the new preachments of CHRIST who"came to bring not peace but the sword,"Jesus himself kindled the fires of Hell and decreed eternal damnation for unbelief:"He that believeth not shall be damned,Depart from me,ye cursed,unto everlasting fire;Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish,He that believeth not the Son, the wrath of God abideth on him"! These genial persuasions to belief in the priests were added to by Paul the Persecutor; harking back to his god's law of Sinai:" he that despised Moses law died without mercy;. Of how much sorer punishment, shall he be thought worthy who hath trodden under foot the Son of God? the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, and shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the Holy angels and of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment aseendeth forever and ever; and they shall have no rest,from the fierceness of the wrath of Almighty God"! All this is for the happy Hereafter; but the pious deviltry begins by Hell-on-earth, as the gentle Jesus himself prescribed:" those mine enemies, which would not that I reign over them bring hither, and slay them before me"[ Luke, xix,27] The whole body of Apostles appealed for Divine permit, that "we command fire to come down from heaven and consume them[ Luke,ix,54] who sought to imitate their pious devil-enchantments. Peter Prince of the Apostles, takes up the bloody cue: Every soul which will not hear that prophet shall be destroyed"[ Acts,iii,23]; and bigot Paul enjoins persecution, boycott and murder for the dissentient:"for there are many unruly and vain talkers whose mouths must be stopped"[ Titus,i,10,11] and "he that troubleth you, I wish they were cut off"[ Gal.v,10,12] The church Prosecutrix  is thus amply warranted of its holy task of preserving the purity of the faith by fire and sword. Right quickly it began to deal damnation round the land on all they deemed the foe of the Faith and its priests. The rule of death to heretics was proclaimed by the "Prince" and executed by sword and stake by his holy"Successors" so long as they were let: there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in heresies, and bring upon themselves swift destruction"[ 2Peter,ii,1] and his arch-coadjutor Paul continued to go up and down the land"breathing out threatening and slaughter" against all who despised his holy preachments. Such as this, repeated ad infinitum for terror, coupled with the threats of the quick" Second Coming" when the Unbelievers should recieve  their reward"unto the resurrection of damnation"[ John,v,29] effectively seared the Gospel of fear and trembling into the superstitious Pagan dupes of Christianity...FORGERY IN CHRISTIANITY. by J.Wheless..

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

For more than a thousand years, until their fraud was exposed by modern historical criticism, these voluminous and most commodious forgeries formed the groundwork and foundation of some of the most extravagant pretensions of the church and its most potent instrument of establishment and dominion of its monarchical government the Apostolic Constitution, which we have admitted for naivete of invention with respect to the Apostolic Prince Peter and Simon Magnus in their magic contests in Rome, is in fact " a fourth century pseudo-Apostolic collection."It purports to be the work of the Apostles, whose instructions, whether given by them individually or as a body, are supposed to be gathered and handed down by the pretended compiler.[Pope] St. Clement of Rome, the authority of whose name give fictitious weight to more than one such piece of early Christian literature. The Apostolic Constitution was held generally in high esteem and served as the basis for much ecclesiastical legislation. As late as 1563, despite the glaring archaisms and incongruities of the collection it was contended that it was the genuine work of the Apostle, could yet pretend, in an uncritical age to Apostolic origin.[CE,i,636] The Constitution pretending to be written by the Apostles, laid down in minute detail all the intricacies of organization of several centuries later; there being elaborate chapters " concerning bishops, presbyters, deacons, and all kinds of clergy, liturgies, and church proceedings and services, undreamed of by "apostles" or in the "apostolic age" The prescriptions regarding the selection of bishops are quite democratic, and vastly different from present papal practices; the churches, too, are distinctly episcopal and independent. The nature of these provisions, as well as the grossly false and fraudulent character of the whole, a vast arsenal of papal aggression, may be seen by the following passages in the apostolic first person:"Wherefore we, the twelve apostles of the Lord, who are now together, give you in charge those divine constitutions concerning every ecclesiastical form, there being present with us Paul, the chosen vessel, our fellow apostles and James the bishop, and the rest of the presbyters, and the seven deacons. In the first place, therefore, I Peter say, that a bishop to be ordained is to be, as we have already, all of us, appointed, chosen by the whole people, who when he is named and approved, let the people assemble, with the presbyters and bishops that are present, on the Lord's Day, and let them give their consent, and if they give their consent,etc[ Apost.Const.viii,2,iv;ANF.vii,481-482.]: more forgeries;; the holy Conspiration, Pope Sylvester forgery, the donation of Constantine, Symmachian, Decretals, Decretum of Gratian, the EMS revolt, the Saints, Martyrs, Miracles, Specula Sturtorum, Relics, the invention of the Cross, the holy oils, waters, and fetishes, the Agnus DEI, the Mystical Marriage, the apostolic canons, Liber Pontificalis, the conversion of Constantine, the Letter of St.Peter...forgery in christianity by J.Wheless..

Thursday, March 29, 2018

"THREE HEAVENLY WITNESSES"...Bishop Clement of Alexander, writing around 200 A.D., thus quotes a comparatively trivial and innocuous passage from the forged First Epistle of St. John[v.7] which, through fraudulent tampering later became one of the "chief stones of the corner" of the Holy Church that the Fathers built:" John says:'for there are three that bear witness, the Spirit, and the Water, and the Blood: and these three are one[Clem,Alex, fragment from Cassiodorus, ch.iii;ANF.iii,576] This is self-evidently the original text of this now famous, or infamous, passage. Turning now to the Word of God as found in the "Authorized Protestant and the Chaloner-Douay Version of the Catholic Vulgate, we read with wonder:v7. For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.v8. and there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the Water, and the Blood: and these three agree in one."[1 John,v7,8] Let us now turn to the same text, or what is left of it, in the Revised Version,,v8. for there are three that bear witness, the Spirit, and the Water, and the Blood: and these three agree in one" Eramus first detected the fraud and omitted the forged verse in his edition of the Greek Testament in 1516.[ New Comm.pt.iii.p, 718-19] This verse 7, bluntly speaking, is a forgery: it has been willfully and wickedly interpolated, to sustain the Trinitarian doctrine; it has been entirely omitted by the Revisers of the New Testament."[ Roberts, Companion to the Revised Version,p.72] It was first pointed out in 1516 that these two verses were an interpolation, for they do not appear in the best manuscripts down to the fifteenth century. The Roman Catholic Church refuse to bow to evidence. The Congregation of the Index, on January 13, 1897, with the approbation of Leo xiii, forbade the any question of the authenticity of the text relating to the 'Three Heavenly Witnesses'. It showed in this instance a willful ignorance to which St. Gregory's rebuke is specially applicable:" God does not need our lies."[ Orpheus,p.239] But His church does; for without them it would not be, and without the forged ' Three Heavenly Witnesses," and the forged" Baptism Formula" of Matthew[xxiii,19] there would not be a word in the entire New Testament hinting the existence of the Three-in- One God of Christianity. The Holy Trinity is an unholy forgery! A confessed forgery of Holy Writ consciously kept in the "canonical" text as a fraudulent voucher for a false Trinity, such is" the Three Heavenly Witnesses" to the shame and ignominy of the Holy Church of Christ," which has never decieved any one, and which has never made an error, and never shall err to all eternity."This is not an error,however; it is but one more deliberate "clerical" lie to the glory of God" Nevertheless, the forging of papal letters was even more frequent in the Middle Ages than in the early Church[ CE.ix,203] LYING FOUNDED on forgery upon forgery, the Church of Christ perpetuated itself and consolidated its vast usurped powers, and amassed wealth, by a series of further and more secular forgeries and frauds unprecedented in human history, faintly approximated only by its initial forgeries of the fundamental gospels and epistles of the New Testament, and of countless other forged religious documents. These first relate to the infancy of the Church, constitute its false certificates of Heavenly birth and of Divinely civil status. They are, as it were, the livery of heaven with which the Holy Church clothed its moral nakedness until it attained maturer strength and became adept to commit the most stupendous forgeries for its own self-aggrandizement and for the completer domination of mind and soul of its ignorant and superstitious subjects, for the base purpose of greed for worldly riches and power, and designed so to paralyze and stultify the minds and reason of men that they should suffer themselves to be exploited without caring or daring to question or complain, and be helpless to resist the crimes committed against them. Forged title deeds to vast territories, forged and false Saints, Martyrs, Miracles and Relics, forged documents of ecclesiastical power spiritual and temporal, surpassing the power of imagination or accomplishment by any other than a divinely inspired church, in its profound, cynical Knowledge and exploitation of the degraded depths of ignorance and superstition to which it sunk its victims, and of their mental and moral incapacity to detect the holy frauds worked upon them. This was the glorious Age of Faith, the Dark Age of human benightedness and priestly thralldom when the Holy Church was the Divinely-illuminate and unique Teacher of Christendom, and when the Christians world too ignorant to be unbelieving or heretic, for "unbelief is no sin that ignorance was ever capable of being guilty of.",,forgery in Christianity..J.WHELESS.

Friday, March 23, 2018

" Forged Epistles": There are 21 so-called Epistles or Letters found in the New Testament under the names of five different "apostles" of Jesus Christ. There are says CE."thirteen Epistles of St. Paul, and perhaps fourteen, if, with the Council of Trent, we consider him to be the author of the Epistle to the Hebrews"[CE.xiv,530] If Paul, the "apostle of the Gentiles"did'nt write the Letter to the Hebrews, some Church Father must have forged it in his name. This was admitted by the early Fathers: " Tertullian ascribed it to Barnabas, and Origen confessed that the author was unknown"[ Reinach, Orpheus,p.596] "The Epistle to the Hebrews"says EB. "had already been excluded from the group[ of then supposed Pauline Epistle] by Carlstadt[1520] and among those who followed him in this were Luther, Calvin, Grotious,etc.[EB. iii,3605] but the entire "Pauline group" is in the same forged class with the Hebrews, says EB, after exhaustive consideration of the proofs internal and external: "with respect to the canonical Pauline Epistles, there are none of them by Paul; neither fourteen, nor thirteen, nor nine or eight, nor yet even the four so long 'universally' regarded as unassailable. They are all without distinction pseudographia[ false writing,forgeries];[ it adds that the group bears obvious marks of a certain unity of having originated in one circle, at one time, in one environment; but not of unity of authorship"[EB.iii,3625,3626]. They are thus all uninspired anonymous forgeries for Christ's sweet sake! Besides the so-called Pauline Epistles another group, i.e. those attributed to Peter, John, Jude and James is known as "Catholic Epistles" so called because their addressed to the Church  at large;" not one of them are authentic."[ Reinach, Orpheus,p.239;cf.EB, under various titles] A third small group, Titus, 2 Timothy, are called "Pastoral Epistles" because they are addressed to pastors of churches. These with Acts and the Book of Revelations, complete the tale of the Old-Christian Literature finally approved, in 1546, by the Council of Trent as divinely inspired, along with the inspired nonsense of Tobias, Judith, Bel and the Dragon, and like late Hebrew pious forgeries. With respect to the Apocalypes Revelation, attributed to the Apostle John, this has long been held to be impossible; nor is the revelation by the same writer as the fourth Gospel falsely attribute to John, as we have seen. The results of ancient patristic denials and of modern critical Scholarship are thus summed up:" John is not the author of the Fourth Gospel; so, in like manner, in the Apocalypes we have here and there a passage that may be traced to him, but the book as a whole is not from his pen. Gospels, Epistles, and Apocalypes all come from the same school."[ EB. i,199] The author of Revelation calls himself John the Apostle. As he was not John the Apostle who died perhaps in Palestine about 66 A.D. " he was a forger"[ Orpheus p.240]. The same can truly be said of all the others. They are self-evidently the product of an elaborately organized church, just as they are more elaborately laid out and their several jurisdictions and functions defined in the admittedly forged Apostolic Constitutions and Canons, forged in the names of the Apostles in the following centuries. Nothing from ancient times can be or is more positively proven false and forged than every book and text of the New Testament, attributed to apostles..Forgery in Christianity...J.Wheless..

Chapter IV.. Doctrine And Discipline: When Linacer, a distinguished physician, but bigoted Romanist, in the reign of Henry VIII first fell in with the New Testament, after reading it for a while, he tossed it from him with impatience and  a great oath, exclaiming," Either this book is not true, or we are not Christians." He saw at once that the system of Rome and the system of the New Testament were directly opposed to one another; and no one who impartially compares the two systems can come to any other conclusion. In passing from the Bible to Breviary, it is like passing from light to darkness. While the one breaths glory to God in the Highest, peace on earth, and good will to men, the other inculcates all that is dishonouring the Most High, and ruinous to moral and spiritual welfare of mankind. How came it that such pernicious Doctrine and practices were embraced by the Papacy? Was the Bible so obscured or ambiguous that men naturally fell into the mistake of supposing that it required them to believe and practice the very opposite of what it did? No; the doctrine and discipline of the Papacy were never derived from the Bible. The fact that wherever it has the power, it lays the reading of the Bible under its ban, and either consigns that choicest gift of Heavenly love to the flames, or shuts it up under lock and key, proves this in itself. But it can be still more conclusively established. A glance at the main pillars of the Papal system will sufficiently prove that its doctrine and discipline, in all essential respects, have been derived from Babylon... THE TWO BABYLONS..BY Alexander Hislop...

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

After the foregoing colossal forgeries within the originally forged Gospels of Jesus Christ, there yet remain many other viciously dishonest falsifications of text..A little trinity of them will be noted.. " A Medley of Forgeries: "The Women Caught in Adultery" forgery. CE. has admitted that the so-called pericope adulterae, was regarded as spurious until the Council of Trent, in 1546, declared it divine truth..." The John XXI Forgery" the entire chapter XXI of John is likewise a surcharge of forgery in that Gospel; it may be disposed of with this terse comment of EB." AS xx,30-31 constitutes a formal and solemm conclusion, xxi is beyond question a later appendix. We may go on to add that it does not come from the same author with the rest of the book"[ EB. ii,2543 ].." The Lord's Prayer Forgery".. As may be seen by mere comparison, the "Doxology" at the end of the Lord's Prayer in Matthew[vi,13]:" For thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen" is an interpolation into the original text, and is omitted as spurious by the Revised Version; it is not in the Catholic "true" version. But, it may be remarked the whole of the so-called Lord's Prayer is not the Lord's at all; it is a late patch-work of pieces out of the Old Testament. Most errors of this kind proceed,etc.[CE.iv,498] Thus as to the Lord's Prayer in Matthew it variants from Luke are confessed forgeries; every circumstance of the two origins is in contradiction. Like the Sermon on the Mount " the Prayer is a composite of Ancient sayings strung together to form it, as the marginal cross-reference shows throughout..." The Unknown God Forgery": At this point I may call attention to a notable instance in Acts of a fraudulent perversion of text; Paul's use of the pretended inscription of the statue on Mar's Hill, "To the unknown God" on which is based his famous harangue to the Athenians:"Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship him, declare I unto you". This omits the truth, for the whole inscription would have been fatal to his cause. The actual words of the inscription, together with some uncomplimentary comments on "Paul's"manipulation of the truth, are presented by the famous Catholic'Humanist' Erasmus. First he states the chronic clerical propensity to warp even Scripture to their deceptive schemes:" In general it is the public charter of all divines, to mold and bend the sacred oracles till they comply with their own fancy, spreading them[ As Heaven by it's Creator] like a curtain closing together, or drawing them back as they please"Then he discloses the dishonest dodge of the great Apostle of Persecution:" Indeed, St. Paul minces and mangles some citations which he makes use of, and seems to wrest them to a different sense from that which they were first intended, as is confessed by the great linguist St. Jerome. Thus when that apostle saw at Athens the inscription on an alter, he claims from it an argument for the proof of the Christian religion; but leaving out a great part of the sentence, which perhaps if fully recited might have prejudiced his cause, he mentions only the last two words,viz.,' To the unknown God'; and this, too, not without alteration, for the whole inscription runs thus:To The God's of Asia, Europe, and Africa, To All Foreign And Unknown God's"[ Erasmus, The Praise of Folly,p.292]. That the original Greek text of Acts used plural"gods" is shown by the marginal note to Acts xvii.23 in the King James Version. From this dreary exposure of "Gospel" forgeries we pass to the Forged" Epistles of the Apostles"....forgery in Christianity by J.Wheless..

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Of transcendent importance as the sole basis of the Church's most presumptuous false pretense, it's Divine founding by Jesus Christ--- this Peter-Rock imposture, the most notorious, and in it's evil consequences the most far-reaching and fatal of them all, is built upon a forged and forced, Greek pun put into the mouth of the Jewish Aramaic-speaking Jesus, speaking to Aramaic peasants, the Church of Christ is falsely founded.." The proof that Christ constituted St. Peter the head of His Church is founded in the two famous Petrine text,,Matthew,xvi,17-19, and John xxi,15-19"[ CE. xii,261 ]. The text in John is that about " feed my lambs" but this forgery is not of present interest. The more notorious "proof" is Matthew's forged punning passage:" Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church" etc.. It may first be noticed, that "Matthew" is the only one of the " Synoptic" gospelers to record this famous Petrine text" And he records this pun as made in Greek, by Jesus,,, just before his crucifixion. The Greek Father who forged the " Gospel according to John"had to attach the translation into Greek of the Aramaic " Cephas" into "Petros" a stone for the benefit of his Greek speaking readers.. After this first explosion of the famous Greek "rock" pun on which the church is founded, and as the matter is of highest consequences, let us expose the "Matthew" forgery of the whole" Petrine " text by arraying the three Synoptics in sequence in the order of their composition and evolution from simple to complex fabrication:[ Mark,viii,27-38]..[ Luke,ix,18-22],,[ Matthew,xvi,13-22].. First of all, in proof that Jesus Christ never made this pun, did not establish any Christian church,, nor even a Jewish reformed Synagoguel, are his own alleged positive statements to be quoted in refutation of the other forged"missionary" passage in Matthew:" Go ye into all the world, and teach all nations"The avowed mission of Jesus, as we have seen from his reputed words, was exclusively to his fellow Jews:" I am not but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel"; and he expressly commanded his disciples not to preach to the Gentiles, nor even to the near-Jewish Samaritans. He proclaimed the immediate end of the world, and his quick seconded coming to establish the exclusively Jewish Kingdom of Heaven, even before all the Jews of little Palestine could be warned of the event--that"The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." It is impossible, therefore, that Jesus could have so flagrantly contradicted the basic principles of his exclusive mission as the Jewish promised Messiah, and could have commanded the institution of a permanent and perpetual religious organization an " Ecclesia or Church"to preach his exclusively Jewish Messianic doctrines to all nations of the earth, which was to perish within that generation...forgery in christianity by J.Wheless...

Monday, March 12, 2018

Sukkafreestudies: The Jews, in their " canonical " more definitely i...

Sukkafreestudies: The Jews, in their " canonical " more definitely i...: The Jews, in their " canonical " more definitely in their apocryphal or admittedly forged scriptures, expected a " Messia...

The Jews, in their " canonical " more definitely in their apocryphal or admittedly forged scriptures, expected a " Messiah " or anointed King of the race and lineage of David, who should deliver them from the rule of their enemies. This king, says Isaiah, shall sit and reign " upon the throne of David, and upon his Kingdom, to establish it"[ Isa. ix,7 ]; and that this prophecy was in order of fulfillment , Gabriel the Angel announced to Mary the ever-virgin mother of eight sons and daughters:" Thou shalt bring forth a son and shalt call his name Jesus; and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: and he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever"[ Luke, i.32,33. ] There is not a word of "prophecy" anywhere that this King should be divine, a Son of the God of Israel; he was to be a human king of the house of Jacob and David. That this Messiah Jesus who was to come was merely a man, but instinct with the Spirit of God, is positively avowed by both Peter and Paul. Says Peter in his first sermon at Pentecost: Ye men of Israel, here these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you[etc]. The patriarch David, therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit upon his throne[ Acts,ii,22,29,30]. And Paul: " There is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus[ 1 Tim.ii,5 ]; and again: " Jesus Christ of the seed of David"[2 Tim.ii,8]. Therefore, in the time when the two cited books were written, Jesus at that time was regarded simply as a man, a "son" or descendant of David. Matthews first chapter begins very humanly and explicitly: The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham"; and Matthew gives an unbroken line of human begetting until" and Jacob begot Joseph the husband of Mary of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ"![ Matt.i,1-16]. And Matthew names and catalogues twenty-eight generations between David and Jesus, to-wit: David, Solomon, Jacob, Joseph, Jesus, a purely human ancestry. Also Luke still reflected the belief held at time he wrote that Jesus was of human ancestry; he gives his human genealogy all the way back to Adam, and through many mythical patriarchs who assuredly never existed. This human genealogy by Luke vastly differs from, however, from that of Matthew's; instead of twenty-eight generations from David through Solomon, Jacob, and Joseph, Luke's genealogy makes out in detail forty two generations, to-wit: David, Nathan, Heli, Joseph, Jesus. So one or the other of the two inspired genealogies if fictitious, false and forged. Both of the genealogies are false and forged lists of mostly fictitious names, in the original Gospels-forgeries, fabricated to prove Jesus a direct son or descendant of David, and thus to fulfill the terms of the pretended prophecies that the human Messiah should be of the race of David and lineage of David the King...The Greek text of the Gospels make this plain, that no supernatural progeneration and actual God-ship was intended. In most instances the Greek text reads simply " son of God "huious Theou,, " not the son " o huious ": the definate article is a clerical falsification...forgery in christianity.. J. Wheless..

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Individual Gospels were forged in the names of each of the Twelve Apostles, severally,and a joint fabrication under the name the Gospel of the Twelve was put into the mouths of the Apostles, using the first person to give it the ear-mark of authenticity to their forged utterances; and separately," Almost every one the Apostles had a Gospel fathered upon him by one early sect or another "[EB. i,259].

A list of Apocryphal Literature: The Secret gospel of Mark,The Apocryphon of James,The Secret book of John, The gospel of Judas, The infancy gospel of Thomas, An Arabic infancy gospel, The gospel of the Hebrews, The gospel of James, The gospel of the Nativity of Mary, The gospel of Mary of Bethany, The gospel of Pseudo-Matthew, The gospel of Nicodemus[act of Pilate], The gospel of Bartholomew, The gospel of Peter, The gospel of Thomas, The gospel of Philip, The gospel of the Lord by Marcion, The Acts of Andrew, The Acts and Martyrdom of Andrew, The Acts of Andrew and Matthew, The Acts of Barnabas, Martyrdom of Bartholomew, The acts of John, The mystery of the Cross, The acts of John the theologian, The history of Joseph the carpenter, The book of John on the death of Mary, The passing of Mary, The acts and martyrdom of Matthew, The acts of Paul, The acts of Paul and Thecla, The acts of Peter, The acts of Peter and Andrew, The acts of Peter and Paul, The acts of Peter and the 12 Apostles, The acts of Philip, The report of Pilate to Tiberius, The giving up of Pontius Pilate, The death of Pilate, The acts of Thaddeus, The acts of Thomas, The narrative of Joseph of Arimathaea, The book of Thomas the contender, The consummation of Thomas, The correspondence of Jesus and Abgar, The Sophia of Jesus Christ, The apocryphon of John, The epistle to the Laodiceans, The correspondence of Paul and Seneca, The prayer of Apostle Paul, The avenging of the savior, The three Steles of Seth, The teaching of Thaddeus the apostle, The Epistle of the Apostles, John the Evangelist, The letter of Barnabas, The letter of Peter to Philip, The letter of Pilate to the emperor, The report of Pilate to Caesar, The Shepard of Hermas, The Apocalypes of Adam, The revelation of Esdras, The first apocalypes of James, The second apocalypes of James, The revelation of John the theologian, The revelation of Moses, Gamaliel, The Gospel according to the Egpytians, The Gospel of the Nazarenes,The Gospel of Eve, The Descent of Mary, The Ascent of James, The Prophecy of Hystaspes, The Didache, The 1&2 Epistles of Clement to the Corinthians, and the Pseudo- Clementine Recognitions and Homilies, The Letter of Herod to Pilate and the Letter of Pilate to Herod, The Apostles Creed, The Athanasian Creed. forgery in Christianity by J.Wheless..

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

The Second Coming: As the long years passed and one generation of disappointed Jews was gathered unto its Fathers and one was followed by another, the believers in the"Promise Second Coming" for the establishment of the Jewish Kingdom grew restless, and made pertinent complaints, " saying, where is the promise of his coming?" for since the Fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation."[ 2 Peter,ii,4 ]. It was at critical juncture, to revive and stimulate the jaded hope of the Jewish believers and to spread the propaganda amongst the all-believing Pagan, that the written Christ-tales began to be worked up by the Christian propagandist. Before their admiring eyes they had for models the " whole literature" of Jewish apocryphal or forged writings, plus the Pagan Oracles: with immense zeal and industry they set about to imitate the example before them, and reforge these Jewish and heathen forgeries to a more definite christian use, and to forge anew, another whole literature of distinctively christian forgeries and fabulous history of Christ." In this form of propaganda the Christians proved themselves to be apt pupils of the Jews. So common indeed, had become in early Christian times the invention of such oracles that Celsus terms " Christian Sibyllistai , believers in sibyls, or sibyl- mongerers"[ EB..i,246 ] that is, peddlers of Christian forgeries in pagan form[ Ib.p.261]. We have seen that the Hebrew Old Testament itself " revealed no formal notion of inspiration" though, we are assured, that the later Jews must have possessed the idea"[CE.iii,269]; thus only an idea or notion somehow acquired, but not through divine illumination, for as we read of all the mass of Jewish holy forgeries" each of them has at one time or another been treated as canonical or divinely inspired".[EB.i.250]." There are no indications in the New Testament of a definite new canon bequeathed by the Apostles to the church, or of a strong self-witness to divine inspiration", admits the CE.[iii,274]; that is, there is nothing in the 27 booklets which would lead to the suspicion of their " inspiration of truth...Forgery in Christianity!!..J.Wheless...

Monday, March 5, 2018

The book of Jubilees or Little Genesis, is a fabricated embellishment of the Old Testament Genesis, written in the name of Moses somewhere between 135 B.C, or 60 A.D. and purports to be a revelation made to Moses by God " face to face" of events from Adam to Moses own day; the Patriarchs are made the exponents of the writers own Pharisaic views and hopes; until the twelfth century, when its forced character was discovered. One of the most important of apocryphal forgeries  is the Apocalypse of Baruch, " a pseudograph with christian interpolations."[ CE.i,604 ] written by a Jewish Pharisee about 50-90 A.D. who speaks in the first person in the name of Baruch, secretary of the Prophet Jeremiah. Some notable Fathers, such as Athenagoras, Justin Martyr, and ST. Irenaeus, cited Baruch as a Prophet, and vouch for him as on the same footing as Jeremiah, just as Irenaeus vouches for Susanna, Bel and the dragon as inspired work of Daniel[ CE.,604,iii,271;EB,i 220.] All of these divine and "revealed" doctrines of christian faith we have seen to be originally heathen Zoroastrian mythology, taken over by the Jews, then boldly plagiarized by the ex-pagan christians. Dean Milman, thus describe the universality of these notions among the heathens and the borrowing by the Jews and christians of what were originally Pagan superstitions-now become articles of christian revelation.[ Milman, History of Christianity i,93.] The Jews themselves looked upon the followers of Christ as a mere Israelitish  sect " the sect of the Nazarenes, the believers in the promised Messiah.[CE.iii,713] In this they were grievously deceived and disappointed." Christ humble and obscure life, ending in the ignominious death on the cross was the very opposite of what the Jews expected of their Christ."[ CE. i,620]..forgery in christianity..J.Wheless....

Sunday, March 4, 2018

The book of Enoch, forged in the name of the grandson of Adam, is the fragmentary remains of a whole literature which circulated under the pretended authority of that mythical Patriarch. In its present form, the work of 104 chapters, is composed of five books with the following titles, of which those of book three and four are of particular significance, namely: 1.the rape of women by fallen angels and the giants that were begotten of them. 2. the visions of Enoch begin; 3. the visions continued, with views of the Messiah's Kingdom. 4. mans destiny revealed in dreams from the beginning to the end of the Messianic Kingdom; 5. the warning of Enoch to his own family and to mankind. This work is a composite of at least five unknown Jewish writers, and was composed during the the last two centuries B.C. The forged book of Enoch is quoted as genuine and inspired in the christian epistle of Jude[14,ef seq], and as "scripture" in the near canical epistle of Barnabas; with the early church Fathers and Apologists, among whom Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Athenagoras, Tertullian, Clement of Alexandria, Anatolius, Origen, St. Augustine,etc. " it had all the wright of a canonical book," but was finally condemned as a forgery by the forged Apostolic Constitution, an instance of the very dubious divine guidance of the inspired church against all error. Father Tertullian devoted an entire chapter " concerning the genuineness of the prophecy of Enoch," in which he gives fantastic patristic  reasons as to how the book survived Noah's flood. Of the immense significance of these forged Jewish " sacred writings" in general upon christian " revelation"and of the fabulous  book of Enoch in particular, with its elaborated myths of the Messiah, CE. thus confesses: " Jewish Apocalyptic is an attempt to supply the place of prophecy, which had been dead for centuries, and has its roots in the sacred oracles of Israel. Naturally basing itself upon the Pentateuch and the Prophets, it clothed itself fictitiously with the authority of patriarch or prophets who was made to reveal the transcendent future. The parables of Enoch with their pre-existent Messiahs, mark the highest point of development[ hence not divine revelation] of the Messianic concept to be found in the whole range of Hebrew literature"[CE.i,601,602]. From these uninspired ravings of Jewish forgeries came thus the " divine revelation" of the co-eternal " Son of God" worked up instead of the old"revealed" human king of the seed of David". The forged book of Enoch, thus vouched for, is notable for being" the earliest appearance of the Messiah in non-canonical literature" It is of the greatest importance for its doctrine of the Jewish Messiah, who here appears as wholly an earthly human deliverer and king over Israel forever, and for the origin of the exalted titles applied to the Messiah in the new testament books, as well as of a number of supposedly distinctive christian doctrines, first "revealed"by Jesus the Christ. In this book we first find the lofty titles:"Christ"or " the Anointed One"," Son of Man", the Righteous One"," the Elect One",all of which were boldly plagiarized by the later christian's and bestowed on Jesus of Nazareth the Messiah, just as in the new testament of later times, exist from the beginning[ 45,2]: he sits on the throne of God[ 45,3]; and all judgement is committed unto him[ 69,27]. The acceptance of Enoch as a Messianic prophet by the christian's led to his rejection by the Jews. Here is the earliest invention of the christian " HELL of fire and brimstone for eternal torment": " The wicked shall go down into Sheol of darkness and fire dwell there forever"; this being " one of the earliest mention of Sheol as a place of torment"[CE. i,602-3; EB. i'223-225]. It is the oldest piece of Jewish literature which teaches the general resurrection of Israel, a doctrine expanded to include Gentiles in later " interpolations" into the New Testament books. It abounds in such "christian" doctrines as the Messianic Kingdom, Hell, the Resurrection, and Demonology, the Seven Heavens, and the Millenium, all of which have here their apocryphal Jewish promulgation, after being plagiarized bodily from the Persian and Babylonian myths and superstitions, as we have seen confessed. There are numerous quotations, phrases, clauses, or thoughts derived from Enoch, or of closest kin with it, in several of the New Testament gospels and epistles, which may be readily found and compared as cataloged in the authorities below cited; pagan Jewish myths and doctrines which shared in molding the analogous  New Testament "revelations" or formed the necessary link in the development of doctrines from the old to the New Testament. The CE. says of the book of Enoch:" it had left its imprint on the New Testament and the works of the early Fathers. Clement of Alexandria, Tertullian, Origen, and even ST. Augustine supposed the work to be a genuine work of the patriarch. The work is a compilation, and its component parts were written in Palestine by Jews of the orthodox school in the latter part of the second century before Christ.[ see CE.i 602. passim; EB.v, 220-224] . In fourth Esdras, as in the Apocalypse of Baruch, we find for the first time, the fatal phrase and doctrine, " all mankind sinned with Adam"[ CE. i,604], whence Paul forged his fearful and accursed dogma of original sin and eternal damnation....Forgery in Christianity...J.Wheless...

Saturday, March 3, 2018

St. Augustine declared that " There is no way of preserving the first chapter of Genesis without impiety, and attributing things to God unworthy of Him." There is, of course, nothing unique about these Hebraic Eden myths. They were known among the so-called heathens thousand of years before the bible was invented. Mr. George Smith, of the department of Oriental Antiquity of the British museum , discovered Assyrian terra-cotta tablets in the ruins of Nineveh, dating from 1500 to 2000 B.C.,which gives not only the story of the creation of man, but narratives of the deluge and the tower of Babel as well. In the original Babylonian Eden myth, as translated from a Sumerian tablets, there is the story of a great conflict among the gods. They cannot decide whether man should be created or not. A wise old reptile, the dragon Tiamat, opposed the creation of the human race. The dragon fought against the great god Bel, finally the god Bel overcame the dragon by blasting him with thunderbolts, and man was created, this conflict between Bel and the dragon bears a close analogy to the story of the revolution in Heaven recorded in the Apocalypse: thus it is evident that a form of the fall of man, similar to that of Genesis, was known in early times in Babylon. According to an Ancient Egyptian myth, Knoumou, the Father of the gods, molded the earliest man out of clay on a potters wheel. In the Greek mythology, Prometheus is depicted as manufacturing men from clay at Panopeus. The myths legends concerning such pagan christs as Osirius, Horus, Adonis, Krishna,etc, were later interpolations into the biography of Christ.... forgery in christianity.. J.Wheless...

Friday, March 2, 2018

From the simplistic but readily accepted idea that black is the sign of death and therefore of sin,it was to go on to the more dangerous idea that the man whose skin was black, was a menace, a temptation, a creature of the devil. A whole imagery, conscious or unconscious, grew up in the minds of western Europeans during the centuries of their physical and cultural isolation from the African world. This imagery had become consubstantial with the cultural life of the Christian west..Devisse.. Anti-black sentiment seems to be different from the hostile thinking encountered against other people. Against others for what they do; against blacks for what they are. And what they are, that is, their blackness, is found to be objectable because [a] it most visibly indicate their otherness, their somatic dissonance and [b] it's symbolic value connotes a negative notion. In short, anti-black sentiment is truely color prejudice. The disparagement of black skin color began in classical antiquity, reached a height in Christian literature and in the literature of christian societies. This being the essence of evil, the destruction of human beings. This includes not only killing but creation of conditions that materially or psychologically destroy or diminish peoples dignity, happiness and capacity to fulfill basic material needs.