Thursday, March 29, 2018

"THREE HEAVENLY WITNESSES"...Bishop Clement of Alexander, writing around 200 A.D., thus quotes a comparatively trivial and innocuous passage from the forged First Epistle of St. John[v.7] which, through fraudulent tampering later became one of the "chief stones of the corner" of the Holy Church that the Fathers built:" John says:'for there are three that bear witness, the Spirit, and the Water, and the Blood: and these three are one[Clem,Alex, fragment from Cassiodorus, ch.iii;ANF.iii,576] This is self-evidently the original text of this now famous, or infamous, passage. Turning now to the Word of God as found in the "Authorized Protestant and the Chaloner-Douay Version of the Catholic Vulgate, we read with wonder:v7. For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.v8. and there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the Water, and the Blood: and these three agree in one."[1 John,v7,8] Let us now turn to the same text, or what is left of it, in the Revised Version,,v8. for there are three that bear witness, the Spirit, and the Water, and the Blood: and these three agree in one" Eramus first detected the fraud and omitted the forged verse in his edition of the Greek Testament in 1516.[ New, 718-19] This verse 7, bluntly speaking, is a forgery: it has been willfully and wickedly interpolated, to sustain the Trinitarian doctrine; it has been entirely omitted by the Revisers of the New Testament."[ Roberts, Companion to the Revised Version,p.72] It was first pointed out in 1516 that these two verses were an interpolation, for they do not appear in the best manuscripts down to the fifteenth century. The Roman Catholic Church refuse to bow to evidence. The Congregation of the Index, on January 13, 1897, with the approbation of Leo xiii, forbade the any question of the authenticity of the text relating to the 'Three Heavenly Witnesses'. It showed in this instance a willful ignorance to which St. Gregory's rebuke is specially applicable:" God does not need our lies."[ Orpheus,p.239] But His church does; for without them it would not be, and without the forged ' Three Heavenly Witnesses," and the forged" Baptism Formula" of Matthew[xxiii,19] there would not be a word in the entire New Testament hinting the existence of the Three-in- One God of Christianity. The Holy Trinity is an unholy forgery! A confessed forgery of Holy Writ consciously kept in the "canonical" text as a fraudulent voucher for a false Trinity, such is" the Three Heavenly Witnesses" to the shame and ignominy of the Holy Church of Christ," which has never decieved any one, and which has never made an error, and never shall err to all eternity."This is not an error,however; it is but one more deliberate "clerical" lie to the glory of God" Nevertheless, the forging of papal letters was even more frequent in the Middle Ages than in the early Church[ CE.ix,203] LYING FOUNDED on forgery upon forgery, the Church of Christ perpetuated itself and consolidated its vast usurped powers, and amassed wealth, by a series of further and more secular forgeries and frauds unprecedented in human history, faintly approximated only by its initial forgeries of the fundamental gospels and epistles of the New Testament, and of countless other forged religious documents. These first relate to the infancy of the Church, constitute its false certificates of Heavenly birth and of Divinely civil status. They are, as it were, the livery of heaven with which the Holy Church clothed its moral nakedness until it attained maturer strength and became adept to commit the most stupendous forgeries for its own self-aggrandizement and for the completer domination of mind and soul of its ignorant and superstitious subjects, for the base purpose of greed for worldly riches and power, and designed so to paralyze and stultify the minds and reason of men that they should suffer themselves to be exploited without caring or daring to question or complain, and be helpless to resist the crimes committed against them. Forged title deeds to vast territories, forged and false Saints, Martyrs, Miracles and Relics, forged documents of ecclesiastical power spiritual and temporal, surpassing the power of imagination or accomplishment by any other than a divinely inspired church, in its profound, cynical Knowledge and exploitation of the degraded depths of ignorance and superstition to which it sunk its victims, and of their mental and moral incapacity to detect the holy frauds worked upon them. This was the glorious Age of Faith, the Dark Age of human benightedness and priestly thralldom when the Holy Church was the Divinely-illuminate and unique Teacher of Christendom, and when the Christians world too ignorant to be unbelieving or heretic, for "unbelief is no sin that ignorance was ever capable of being guilty of.",,forgery in Christianity..J.WHELESS.

Friday, March 23, 2018

" Forged Epistles": There are 21 so-called Epistles or Letters found in the New Testament under the names of five different "apostles" of Jesus Christ. There are says CE."thirteen Epistles of St. Paul, and perhaps fourteen, if, with the Council of Trent, we consider him to be the author of the Epistle to the Hebrews"[CE.xiv,530] If Paul, the "apostle of the Gentiles"did'nt write the Letter to the Hebrews, some Church Father must have forged it in his name. This was admitted by the early Fathers: " Tertullian ascribed it to Barnabas, and Origen confessed that the author was unknown"[ Reinach, Orpheus,p.596] "The Epistle to the Hebrews"says EB. "had already been excluded from the group[ of then supposed Pauline Epistle] by Carlstadt[1520] and among those who followed him in this were Luther, Calvin, Grotious,etc.[EB. iii,3605] but the entire "Pauline group" is in the same forged class with the Hebrews, says EB, after exhaustive consideration of the proofs internal and external: "with respect to the canonical Pauline Epistles, there are none of them by Paul; neither fourteen, nor thirteen, nor nine or eight, nor yet even the four so long 'universally' regarded as unassailable. They are all without distinction pseudographia[ false writing,forgeries];[ it adds that the group bears obvious marks of a certain unity of having originated in one circle, at one time, in one environment; but not of unity of authorship"[EB.iii,3625,3626]. They are thus all uninspired anonymous forgeries for Christ's sweet sake! Besides the so-called Pauline Epistles another group, i.e. those attributed to Peter, John, Jude and James is known as "Catholic Epistles" so called because their addressed to the Church  at large;" not one of them are authentic."[ Reinach, Orpheus,p.239;cf.EB, under various titles] A third small group, Titus, 2 Timothy, are called "Pastoral Epistles" because they are addressed to pastors of churches. These with Acts and the Book of Revelations, complete the tale of the Old-Christian Literature finally approved, in 1546, by the Council of Trent as divinely inspired, along with the inspired nonsense of Tobias, Judith, Bel and the Dragon, and like late Hebrew pious forgeries. With respect to the Apocalypes Revelation, attributed to the Apostle John, this has long been held to be impossible; nor is the revelation by the same writer as the fourth Gospel falsely attribute to John, as we have seen. The results of ancient patristic denials and of modern critical Scholarship are thus summed up:" John is not the author of the Fourth Gospel; so, in like manner, in the Apocalypes we have here and there a passage that may be traced to him, but the book as a whole is not from his pen. Gospels, Epistles, and Apocalypes all come from the same school."[ EB. i,199] The author of Revelation calls himself John the Apostle. As he was not John the Apostle who died perhaps in Palestine about 66 A.D. " he was a forger"[ Orpheus p.240]. The same can truly be said of all the others. They are self-evidently the product of an elaborately organized church, just as they are more elaborately laid out and their several jurisdictions and functions defined in the admittedly forged Apostolic Constitutions and Canons, forged in the names of the Apostles in the following centuries. Nothing from ancient times can be or is more positively proven false and forged than every book and text of the New Testament, attributed to apostles..Forgery in Christianity...J.Wheless..

Chapter IV.. Doctrine And Discipline: When Linacer, a distinguished physician, but bigoted Romanist, in the reign of Henry VIII first fell in with the New Testament, after reading it for a while, he tossed it from him with impatience and  a great oath, exclaiming," Either this book is not true, or we are not Christians." He saw at once that the system of Rome and the system of the New Testament were directly opposed to one another; and no one who impartially compares the two systems can come to any other conclusion. In passing from the Bible to Breviary, it is like passing from light to darkness. While the one breaths glory to God in the Highest, peace on earth, and good will to men, the other inculcates all that is dishonouring the Most High, and ruinous to moral and spiritual welfare of mankind. How came it that such pernicious Doctrine and practices were embraced by the Papacy? Was the Bible so obscured or ambiguous that men naturally fell into the mistake of supposing that it required them to believe and practice the very opposite of what it did? No; the doctrine and discipline of the Papacy were never derived from the Bible. The fact that wherever it has the power, it lays the reading of the Bible under its ban, and either consigns that choicest gift of Heavenly love to the flames, or shuts it up under lock and key, proves this in itself. But it can be still more conclusively established. A glance at the main pillars of the Papal system will sufficiently prove that its doctrine and discipline, in all essential respects, have been derived from Babylon... THE TWO BABYLONS..BY Alexander Hislop...

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

After the foregoing colossal forgeries within the originally forged Gospels of Jesus Christ, there yet remain many other viciously dishonest falsifications of text..A little trinity of them will be noted.. " A Medley of Forgeries: "The Women Caught in Adultery" forgery. CE. has admitted that the so-called pericope adulterae, was regarded as spurious until the Council of Trent, in 1546, declared it divine truth..." The John XXI Forgery" the entire chapter XXI of John is likewise a surcharge of forgery in that Gospel; it may be disposed of with this terse comment of EB." AS xx,30-31 constitutes a formal and solemm conclusion, xxi is beyond question a later appendix. We may go on to add that it does not come from the same author with the rest of the book"[ EB. ii,2543 ].." The Lord's Prayer Forgery".. As may be seen by mere comparison, the "Doxology" at the end of the Lord's Prayer in Matthew[vi,13]:" For thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen" is an interpolation into the original text, and is omitted as spurious by the Revised Version; it is not in the Catholic "true" version. But, it may be remarked the whole of the so-called Lord's Prayer is not the Lord's at all; it is a late patch-work of pieces out of the Old Testament. Most errors of this kind proceed,etc.[CE.iv,498] Thus as to the Lord's Prayer in Matthew it variants from Luke are confessed forgeries; every circumstance of the two origins is in contradiction. Like the Sermon on the Mount " the Prayer is a composite of Ancient sayings strung together to form it, as the marginal cross-reference shows throughout..." The Unknown God Forgery": At this point I may call attention to a notable instance in Acts of a fraudulent perversion of text; Paul's use of the pretended inscription of the statue on Mar's Hill, "To the unknown God" on which is based his famous harangue to the Athenians:"Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship him, declare I unto you". This omits the truth, for the whole inscription would have been fatal to his cause. The actual words of the inscription, together with some uncomplimentary comments on "Paul's"manipulation of the truth, are presented by the famous Catholic'Humanist' Erasmus. First he states the chronic clerical propensity to warp even Scripture to their deceptive schemes:" In general it is the public charter of all divines, to mold and bend the sacred oracles till they comply with their own fancy, spreading them[ As Heaven by it's Creator] like a curtain closing together, or drawing them back as they please"Then he discloses the dishonest dodge of the great Apostle of Persecution:" Indeed, St. Paul minces and mangles some citations which he makes use of, and seems to wrest them to a different sense from that which they were first intended, as is confessed by the great linguist St. Jerome. Thus when that apostle saw at Athens the inscription on an alter, he claims from it an argument for the proof of the Christian religion; but leaving out a great part of the sentence, which perhaps if fully recited might have prejudiced his cause, he mentions only the last two words,viz.,' To the unknown God'; and this, too, not without alteration, for the whole inscription runs thus:To The God's of Asia, Europe, and Africa, To All Foreign And Unknown God's"[ Erasmus, The Praise of Folly,p.292]. That the original Greek text of Acts used plural"gods" is shown by the marginal note to Acts xvii.23 in the King James Version. From this dreary exposure of "Gospel" forgeries we pass to the Forged" Epistles of the Apostles"....forgery in Christianity by J.Wheless..

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Of transcendent importance as the sole basis of the Church's most presumptuous false pretense, it's Divine founding by Jesus Christ--- this Peter-Rock imposture, the most notorious, and in it's evil consequences the most far-reaching and fatal of them all, is built upon a forged and forced, Greek pun put into the mouth of the Jewish Aramaic-speaking Jesus, speaking to Aramaic peasants, the Church of Christ is falsely founded.." The proof that Christ constituted St. Peter the head of His Church is founded in the two famous Petrine text,,Matthew,xvi,17-19, and John xxi,15-19"[ CE. xii,261 ]. The text in John is that about " feed my lambs" but this forgery is not of present interest. The more notorious "proof" is Matthew's forged punning passage:" Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church" etc.. It may first be noticed, that "Matthew" is the only one of the " Synoptic" gospelers to record this famous Petrine text" And he records this pun as made in Greek, by Jesus,,, just before his crucifixion. The Greek Father who forged the " Gospel according to John"had to attach the translation into Greek of the Aramaic " Cephas" into "Petros" a stone for the benefit of his Greek speaking readers.. After this first explosion of the famous Greek "rock" pun on which the church is founded, and as the matter is of highest consequences, let us expose the "Matthew" forgery of the whole" Petrine " text by arraying the three Synoptics in sequence in the order of their composition and evolution from simple to complex fabrication:[ Mark,viii,27-38]..[ Luke,ix,18-22],,[ Matthew,xvi,13-22].. First of all, in proof that Jesus Christ never made this pun, did not establish any Christian church,, nor even a Jewish reformed Synagoguel, are his own alleged positive statements to be quoted in refutation of the other forged"missionary" passage in Matthew:" Go ye into all the world, and teach all nations"The avowed mission of Jesus, as we have seen from his reputed words, was exclusively to his fellow Jews:" I am not but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel"; and he expressly commanded his disciples not to preach to the Gentiles, nor even to the near-Jewish Samaritans. He proclaimed the immediate end of the world, and his quick seconded coming to establish the exclusively Jewish Kingdom of Heaven, even before all the Jews of little Palestine could be warned of the event--that"The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." It is impossible, therefore, that Jesus could have so flagrantly contradicted the basic principles of his exclusive mission as the Jewish promised Messiah, and could have commanded the institution of a permanent and perpetual religious organization an " Ecclesia or Church"to preach his exclusively Jewish Messianic doctrines to all nations of the earth, which was to perish within that generation...forgery in christianity by J.Wheless...

Monday, March 12, 2018

Sukkafreestudies: The Jews, in their " canonical " more definitely i...

Sukkafreestudies: The Jews, in their " canonical " more definitely i...: The Jews, in their " canonical " more definitely in their apocryphal or admittedly forged scriptures, expected a " Messia...

The Jews, in their " canonical " more definitely in their apocryphal or admittedly forged scriptures, expected a " Messiah " or anointed King of the race and lineage of David, who should deliver them from the rule of their enemies. This king, says Isaiah, shall sit and reign " upon the throne of David, and upon his Kingdom, to establish it"[ Isa. ix,7 ]; and that this prophecy was in order of fulfillment , Gabriel the Angel announced to Mary the ever-virgin mother of eight sons and daughters:" Thou shalt bring forth a son and shalt call his name Jesus; and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: and he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever"[ Luke, i.32,33. ] There is not a word of "prophecy" anywhere that this King should be divine, a Son of the God of Israel; he was to be a human king of the house of Jacob and David. That this Messiah Jesus who was to come was merely a man, but instinct with the Spirit of God, is positively avowed by both Peter and Paul. Says Peter in his first sermon at Pentecost: Ye men of Israel, here these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you[etc]. The patriarch David, therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit upon his throne[ Acts,ii,22,29,30]. And Paul: " There is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus[ 1 Tim.ii,5 ]; and again: " Jesus Christ of the seed of David"[2 Tim.ii,8]. Therefore, in the time when the two cited books were written, Jesus at that time was regarded simply as a man, a "son" or descendant of David. Matthews first chapter begins very humanly and explicitly: The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham"; and Matthew gives an unbroken line of human begetting until" and Jacob begot Joseph the husband of Mary of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ"![ Matt.i,1-16]. And Matthew names and catalogues twenty-eight generations between David and Jesus, to-wit: David, Solomon, Jacob, Joseph, Jesus, a purely human ancestry. Also Luke still reflected the belief held at time he wrote that Jesus was of human ancestry; he gives his human genealogy all the way back to Adam, and through many mythical patriarchs who assuredly never existed. This human genealogy by Luke vastly differs from, however, from that of Matthew's; instead of twenty-eight generations from David through Solomon, Jacob, and Joseph, Luke's genealogy makes out in detail forty two generations, to-wit: David, Nathan, Heli, Joseph, Jesus. So one or the other of the two inspired genealogies if fictitious, false and forged. Both of the genealogies are false and forged lists of mostly fictitious names, in the original Gospels-forgeries, fabricated to prove Jesus a direct son or descendant of David, and thus to fulfill the terms of the pretended prophecies that the human Messiah should be of the race of David and lineage of David the King...The Greek text of the Gospels make this plain, that no supernatural progeneration and actual God-ship was intended. In most instances the Greek text reads simply " son of God "huious Theou,, " not the son " o huious ": the definate article is a clerical falsification...forgery in christianity.. J. Wheless..

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Individual Gospels were forged in the names of each of the Twelve Apostles, severally,and a joint fabrication under the name the Gospel of the Twelve was put into the mouths of the Apostles, using the first person to give it the ear-mark of authenticity to their forged utterances; and separately," Almost every one the Apostles had a Gospel fathered upon him by one early sect or another "[EB. i,259].

A list of Apocryphal Literature: The Secret gospel of Mark,The Apocryphon of James,The Secret book of John, The gospel of Judas, The infancy gospel of Thomas, An Arabic infancy gospel, The gospel of the Hebrews, The gospel of James, The gospel of the Nativity of Mary, The gospel of Mary of Bethany, The gospel of Pseudo-Matthew, The gospel of Nicodemus[act of Pilate], The gospel of Bartholomew, The gospel of Peter, The gospel of Thomas, The gospel of Philip, The gospel of the Lord by Marcion, The Acts of Andrew, The Acts and Martyrdom of Andrew, The Acts of Andrew and Matthew, The Acts of Barnabas, Martyrdom of Bartholomew, The acts of John, The mystery of the Cross, The acts of John the theologian, The history of Joseph the carpenter, The book of John on the death of Mary, The passing of Mary, The acts and martyrdom of Matthew, The acts of Paul, The acts of Paul and Thecla, The acts of Peter, The acts of Peter and Andrew, The acts of Peter and Paul, The acts of Peter and the 12 Apostles, The acts of Philip, The report of Pilate to Tiberius, The giving up of Pontius Pilate, The death of Pilate, The acts of Thaddeus, The acts of Thomas, The narrative of Joseph of Arimathaea, The book of Thomas the contender, The consummation of Thomas, The correspondence of Jesus and Abgar, The Sophia of Jesus Christ, The apocryphon of John, The epistle to the Laodiceans, The correspondence of Paul and Seneca, The prayer of Apostle Paul, The avenging of the savior, The three Steles of Seth, The teaching of Thaddeus the apostle, The Epistle of the Apostles, John the Evangelist, The letter of Barnabas, The letter of Peter to Philip, The letter of Pilate to the emperor, The report of Pilate to Caesar, The Shepard of Hermas, The Apocalypes of Adam, The revelation of Esdras, The first apocalypes of James, The second apocalypes of James, The revelation of John the theologian, The revelation of Moses, Gamaliel, The Gospel according to the Egpytians, The Gospel of the Nazarenes,The Gospel of Eve, The Descent of Mary, The Ascent of James, The Prophecy of Hystaspes, The Didache, The 1&2 Epistles of Clement to the Corinthians, and the Pseudo- Clementine Recognitions and Homilies, The Letter of Herod to Pilate and the Letter of Pilate to Herod, The Apostles Creed, The Athanasian Creed. forgery in Christianity by J.Wheless..

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

The Second Coming: As the long years passed and one generation of disappointed Jews was gathered unto its Fathers and one was followed by another, the believers in the"Promise Second Coming" for the establishment of the Jewish Kingdom grew restless, and made pertinent complaints, " saying, where is the promise of his coming?" for since the Fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation."[ 2 Peter,ii,4 ]. It was at critical juncture, to revive and stimulate the jaded hope of the Jewish believers and to spread the propaganda amongst the all-believing Pagan, that the written Christ-tales began to be worked up by the Christian propagandist. Before their admiring eyes they had for models the " whole literature" of Jewish apocryphal or forged writings, plus the Pagan Oracles: with immense zeal and industry they set about to imitate the example before them, and reforge these Jewish and heathen forgeries to a more definite christian use, and to forge anew, another whole literature of distinctively christian forgeries and fabulous history of Christ." In this form of propaganda the Christians proved themselves to be apt pupils of the Jews. So common indeed, had become in early Christian times the invention of such oracles that Celsus terms " Christian Sibyllistai , believers in sibyls, or sibyl- mongerers"[ EB..i,246 ] that is, peddlers of Christian forgeries in pagan form[ Ib.p.261]. We have seen that the Hebrew Old Testament itself " revealed no formal notion of inspiration" though, we are assured, that the later Jews must have possessed the idea"[CE.iii,269]; thus only an idea or notion somehow acquired, but not through divine illumination, for as we read of all the mass of Jewish holy forgeries" each of them has at one time or another been treated as canonical or divinely inspired".[EB.i.250]." There are no indications in the New Testament of a definite new canon bequeathed by the Apostles to the church, or of a strong self-witness to divine inspiration", admits the CE.[iii,274]; that is, there is nothing in the 27 booklets which would lead to the suspicion of their " inspiration of truth...Forgery in Christianity!!..J.Wheless...

Monday, March 5, 2018

The book of Jubilees or Little Genesis, is a fabricated embellishment of the Old Testament Genesis, written in the name of Moses somewhere between 135 B.C, or 60 A.D. and purports to be a revelation made to Moses by God " face to face" of events from Adam to Moses own day; the Patriarchs are made the exponents of the writers own Pharisaic views and hopes; until the twelfth century, when its forced character was discovered. One of the most important of apocryphal forgeries  is the Apocalypse of Baruch, " a pseudograph with christian interpolations."[ CE.i,604 ] written by a Jewish Pharisee about 50-90 A.D. who speaks in the first person in the name of Baruch, secretary of the Prophet Jeremiah. Some notable Fathers, such as Athenagoras, Justin Martyr, and ST. Irenaeus, cited Baruch as a Prophet, and vouch for him as on the same footing as Jeremiah, just as Irenaeus vouches for Susanna, Bel and the dragon as inspired work of Daniel[ CE.,604,iii,271;EB,i 220.] All of these divine and "revealed" doctrines of christian faith we have seen to be originally heathen Zoroastrian mythology, taken over by the Jews, then boldly plagiarized by the ex-pagan christians. Dean Milman, thus describe the universality of these notions among the heathens and the borrowing by the Jews and christians of what were originally Pagan superstitions-now become articles of christian revelation.[ Milman, History of Christianity i,93.] The Jews themselves looked upon the followers of Christ as a mere Israelitish  sect " the sect of the Nazarenes, the believers in the promised Messiah.[CE.iii,713] In this they were grievously deceived and disappointed." Christ humble and obscure life, ending in the ignominious death on the cross was the very opposite of what the Jews expected of their Christ."[ CE. i,620]..forgery in christianity..J.Wheless....

Sunday, March 4, 2018

The book of Enoch, forged in the name of the grandson of Adam, is the fragmentary remains of a whole literature which circulated under the pretended authority of that mythical Patriarch. In its present form, the work of 104 chapters, is composed of five books with the following titles, of which those of book three and four are of particular significance, namely: 1.the rape of women by fallen angels and the giants that were begotten of them. 2. the visions of Enoch begin; 3. the visions continued, with views of the Messiah's Kingdom. 4. mans destiny revealed in dreams from the beginning to the end of the Messianic Kingdom; 5. the warning of Enoch to his own family and to mankind. This work is a composite of at least five unknown Jewish writers, and was composed during the the last two centuries B.C. The forged book of Enoch is quoted as genuine and inspired in the christian epistle of Jude[14,ef seq], and as "scripture" in the near canical epistle of Barnabas; with the early church Fathers and Apologists, among whom Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Athenagoras, Tertullian, Clement of Alexandria, Anatolius, Origen, St. Augustine,etc. " it had all the wright of a canonical book," but was finally condemned as a forgery by the forged Apostolic Constitution, an instance of the very dubious divine guidance of the inspired church against all error. Father Tertullian devoted an entire chapter " concerning the genuineness of the prophecy of Enoch," in which he gives fantastic patristic  reasons as to how the book survived Noah's flood. Of the immense significance of these forged Jewish " sacred writings" in general upon christian " revelation"and of the fabulous  book of Enoch in particular, with its elaborated myths of the Messiah, CE. thus confesses: " Jewish Apocalyptic is an attempt to supply the place of prophecy, which had been dead for centuries, and has its roots in the sacred oracles of Israel. Naturally basing itself upon the Pentateuch and the Prophets, it clothed itself fictitiously with the authority of patriarch or prophets who was made to reveal the transcendent future. The parables of Enoch with their pre-existent Messiahs, mark the highest point of development[ hence not divine revelation] of the Messianic concept to be found in the whole range of Hebrew literature"[CE.i,601,602]. From these uninspired ravings of Jewish forgeries came thus the " divine revelation" of the co-eternal " Son of God" worked up instead of the old"revealed" human king of the seed of David". The forged book of Enoch, thus vouched for, is notable for being" the earliest appearance of the Messiah in non-canonical literature" It is of the greatest importance for its doctrine of the Jewish Messiah, who here appears as wholly an earthly human deliverer and king over Israel forever, and for the origin of the exalted titles applied to the Messiah in the new testament books, as well as of a number of supposedly distinctive christian doctrines, first "revealed"by Jesus the Christ. In this book we first find the lofty titles:"Christ"or " the Anointed One"," Son of Man", the Righteous One"," the Elect One",all of which were boldly plagiarized by the later christian's and bestowed on Jesus of Nazareth the Messiah, just as in the new testament of later times, exist from the beginning[ 45,2]: he sits on the throne of God[ 45,3]; and all judgement is committed unto him[ 69,27]. The acceptance of Enoch as a Messianic prophet by the christian's led to his rejection by the Jews. Here is the earliest invention of the christian " HELL of fire and brimstone for eternal torment": " The wicked shall go down into Sheol of darkness and fire dwell there forever"; this being " one of the earliest mention of Sheol as a place of torment"[CE. i,602-3; EB. i'223-225]. It is the oldest piece of Jewish literature which teaches the general resurrection of Israel, a doctrine expanded to include Gentiles in later " interpolations" into the New Testament books. It abounds in such "christian" doctrines as the Messianic Kingdom, Hell, the Resurrection, and Demonology, the Seven Heavens, and the Millenium, all of which have here their apocryphal Jewish promulgation, after being plagiarized bodily from the Persian and Babylonian myths and superstitions, as we have seen confessed. There are numerous quotations, phrases, clauses, or thoughts derived from Enoch, or of closest kin with it, in several of the New Testament gospels and epistles, which may be readily found and compared as cataloged in the authorities below cited; pagan Jewish myths and doctrines which shared in molding the analogous  New Testament "revelations" or formed the necessary link in the development of doctrines from the old to the New Testament. The CE. says of the book of Enoch:" it had left its imprint on the New Testament and the works of the early Fathers. Clement of Alexandria, Tertullian, Origen, and even ST. Augustine supposed the work to be a genuine work of the patriarch. The work is a compilation, and its component parts were written in Palestine by Jews of the orthodox school in the latter part of the second century before Christ.[ see CE.i 602. passim; EB.v, 220-224] . In fourth Esdras, as in the Apocalypse of Baruch, we find for the first time, the fatal phrase and doctrine, " all mankind sinned with Adam"[ CE. i,604], whence Paul forged his fearful and accursed dogma of original sin and eternal damnation....Forgery in Christianity...J.Wheless...

Saturday, March 3, 2018

St. Augustine declared that " There is no way of preserving the first chapter of Genesis without impiety, and attributing things to God unworthy of Him." There is, of course, nothing unique about these Hebraic Eden myths. They were known among the so-called heathens thousand of years before the bible was invented. Mr. George Smith, of the department of Oriental Antiquity of the British museum , discovered Assyrian terra-cotta tablets in the ruins of Nineveh, dating from 1500 to 2000 B.C.,which gives not only the story of the creation of man, but narratives of the deluge and the tower of Babel as well. In the original Babylonian Eden myth, as translated from a Sumerian tablets, there is the story of a great conflict among the gods. They cannot decide whether man should be created or not. A wise old reptile, the dragon Tiamat, opposed the creation of the human race. The dragon fought against the great god Bel, finally the god Bel overcame the dragon by blasting him with thunderbolts, and man was created, this conflict between Bel and the dragon bears a close analogy to the story of the revolution in Heaven recorded in the Apocalypse: thus it is evident that a form of the fall of man, similar to that of Genesis, was known in early times in Babylon. According to an Ancient Egyptian myth, Knoumou, the Father of the gods, molded the earliest man out of clay on a potters wheel. In the Greek mythology, Prometheus is depicted as manufacturing men from clay at Panopeus. The myths legends concerning such pagan christs as Osirius, Horus, Adonis, Krishna,etc, were later interpolations into the biography of Christ.... forgery in christianity.. J.Wheless...

Friday, March 2, 2018

From the simplistic but readily accepted idea that black is the sign of death and therefore of sin,it was to go on to the more dangerous idea that the man whose skin was black, was a menace, a temptation, a creature of the devil. A whole imagery, conscious or unconscious, grew up in the minds of western Europeans during the centuries of their physical and cultural isolation from the African world. This imagery had become consubstantial with the cultural life of the Christian west..Devisse.. Anti-black sentiment seems to be different from the hostile thinking encountered against other people. Against others for what they do; against blacks for what they are. And what they are, that is, their blackness, is found to be objectable because [a] it most visibly indicate their otherness, their somatic dissonance and [b] it's symbolic value connotes a negative notion. In short, anti-black sentiment is truely color prejudice. The disparagement of black skin color began in classical antiquity, reached a height in Christian literature and in the literature of christian societies. This being the essence of evil, the destruction of human beings. This includes not only killing but creation of conditions that materially or psychologically destroy or diminish peoples dignity, happiness and capacity to fulfill basic material needs.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

The book of Judges was written by know body knows whom,nor when,except that it was "post-exilic.The gifted Samuel,prophet of the heathen high priest of Baal worship,records the historical episode of the calling up of his own ghost from the dead by the famous witch of En-dor[ 1sam.18:1-19]..The ex-bandit David,"a man after God's own heart"- after murdering a man to get his adulterous wife,and engendering  of her,his all wise son and hero Solomon,wrote the 150 songs of the Hebrew Hymm book.Solomon himself,accordingly wrote the wisdom of the ages into his book of Proverbs,though not one of them is by Solomon,and in his light[ headed or hearted] spells penned his erotic canticles.These are indeed but one collection out of the great many pornographic stories of the holy ghost's decameron, enshrined in God's holy word for delectation of the Puritans of faith.Other divinely inspired and anonymous writers,falsely entitling their effusions under the names of this or that prophet or other wholly fictitious personage,as Job,Esther,Ruth,Daniel,give forth yet other inspired histories,books of oracles or prophecies,apocalypes or high powered visions into futurity,and a miscellany of sacred novels,love-stories and non-descript musings or ravings known collectively as the Hagoigrapha or Holy writings of the Jews,it may be stated with assurance that not one of them bears the name of it's true author;that every one of them is a composit  work of many hands"interpolating"the most anachronistic and contradictory matters into the original writings,and often reciting as accomplished facts things which occurred many centuries after the time of the supposed writers,as Psalms,Isaiah,Daniel,and the so-called"historical"books.It is true that the Pentateuch,so long attributed to Moses is now held by the vast majority of non-Catholic,and by an increasing number of Catholic scholars to be a compilation of four independent sources put together in final shape soon after the captivity.[C.E. 1,622]. This scores strongly for Hebrew-Christian forgery and fraud in attributing this primitive system of Bible "science"and barbarous law to a god,as a pretext for priestly domination of the superstitious people.The whole five books of Moses are thus a confessed forgery in the names of Moses and God;every one of the thus saith the Lord a thousand times repeated,with speeches and laws put into the mouth of God,are false and forged.The Hegelian principle of evolution applied to religion,has powerfully helped to beget a tendency to regard the religion of Israel as evolved by process not transcending nature,from a polytheistic worship of the elements to a spiritual and ethical monotheism.[C.E.i,493.]But this finally and very late evolved monotheism is neither a tardy divine revelation to the Jews,nor a novel invention by them;it was a thousand years antedated by Amenhotep IV and Tut-ankh-amen in Egypt,nor was they the pioneers.We have seen the admission that the Zoroastrian Mithra religion was "a divinely revealed Monotheism"[C.E.ii,156].But the Hebrews were confessed and notorious idolaters and polytheists until the captivity;that fact is a thousand times alleged through out the scriptures as the sole reason for their troubles and captivity.Contradictions throughout the Bible,old and new testaments alike,abound by the many thousands and in virtually every book of both testaments.These proofs of uninspired human origin and of confusion worse confounded of tinkering,"interpolations' and forgery outright,by the pious priest of Israel and Judah,and the Ezra"school"of forgers of the"Law and Prophets."Forgery in Christianity by J.Wheless......

THE SEPTUAGINT "VIRGIN BIRTH"FRAUD:The most colossal of the blunders of the Septuagint translators supplemented by the most insidious,persistence and purposeful falsification of text,is instanced in the false translation of the notoriously false pretended "prophecy" of Isaiah 7:14...The Greek priest who forged the "gospel" according to "St.Matthew"having before him false Septuagint translation of Isaiah,reads:"Behold a virgin shall be with child,and shall bring forth a son,and they shall call his name "Emmanuel"[ matt.1:23].The Hebrew words ha-almah means simply the young women;and harah is the Hebrew past or present tense "conceived" which in Hebrew as in English,represent past and completed action.Honestly translated,the verse reads:"Behold the young women has conceived and beareth  a son and calleth his name Immanuel.Almah simply means a young women,of marriageable age,whether married or not,or a virgin or not.Virgin in Hebrew is always expressed by the word Bethulah.But the Septuagint translation into Greek,the Hebrew word Almah was erroneously rendered into the Greek panthenos,virgin,changed into "a" by later falsifying translators."Modern theology"does not grant that Isaiah 7:14 contains a real prophecy fulfilled in the virgin birth of Christ.Thus is apparent,and confessed,the dishonesty of "Matthew"and the church in perverting this idle,false and falsified text of Isaiah into a "prophecy"of the virgin birth of Jesus Christ,and in persisting in retaining this falsity in their own bogus theology,fully knowing it's falsity,yet,clings to this precious lie of the virgin birth...So much for the"Inspired Hebrew Scriptures!!!!!!..forgery in christianity... J. Wheless...